What FSC feature can Lake Tahoe Bank use to track this process?

A commercial loan due diligence process is handled by multiple individuals at Lake Tahoe Bank. Lake Tahoe Bank wants an easy way for managers to distribute the work, to understand the % completion of the due diligence process per client and report on the performance of the department to show possible bottlenecks.

What FSC feature can Lake Tahoe Bank use to track this process?
A . Workflow Rules/Process Builder
B . Action Plans
C . Apex Tnggers on the task object
D . Flows

Answer: B


Again, Action Plans are a feature that can help users track and manage common client processes. For

a commercial loan due diligence process, users can create an Action Plan Template with tasks such as verifying income, checking credit history, appraising collateral, etc. Users can also assign different task owners and deadlines for each task to distribute the work and monitor the progress. Users can also use dashboards and reports to view the % completion of the due diligence process per client and report on the performance of the department to show possible bottlenecks.

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