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What couldbe the issue preventing ARteam members from seeinginvoices?

A custom invoice object has been created with a master-detail relationship to account. The Accountreceivable (AR)teamneedsaccesstoInvoicesARusersdonotownnorhaveaccess to Accountrecords.AccountOWD is set to Private.The AR team isunable to find Invoices in Listviews,Reports,norinGlobalSearch.The Architecthasbeenasked tohelp troubleshoot.

What couldbe the issue preventing ARteam members from seeinginvoices?
A . A sharing rule is missing to share Invoices to the AR team.
B. TheARteamprofileneedstobeassignedanInvoicePagelayout.
C. Asharingruleismissingto shareAccountstotheARteam.
D. The Accounts receivable profile doesnothave read Permission to the Invoice Object.

Answer: C

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