What can the Technical Consultant configure to make Cases created by the support team visible to the users of the site?

A Public Sector Organization (PSO) is already using Grants Management from Public Sector Solutions and has users interacting with the PSO digitally via their Experience Cloud site. The Technical Consultant has already configured the site to allow users to create support requests themselves; however, the support team in the PSO often creates Cases on behalf of external users. The PSO has received feedback that users of the Site are unable to see Cases that the support team has created.

What can the Technical Consultant configure to make Cases created by the support team visible to the users of the site?
A . Change the Organization-Wide Default settings for Case to Public Read/Write
B . Create or modify a sharing set for the Profile used for the Site that gives access to Cases
C . Create or modify a permission set that gives access to Cases owned by the support team
D . Create or modify a share group for the Profile used for the Site that gives access to Cases

Answer: B


Sharing sets are used to grant access to records that are associated with a specific user or profile in a community. By creating or modifying a sharing set for the Profile used for the Site, the Technical Consultant can ensure that external users can see Cases

that are related to their accounts or contacts, regardless of who created them.

Reference: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.psc_api.meta/psc_api/api_psc_overview.htm

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