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What can be viewed using the isi_upgrade_logs _s command?

What can be viewed using the isi_upgrade_logs _s command?

A. Post upgrade errors

B. Current upgrade state

C. Active upgrade errors

D. Upgrade assessment results

Answer: B


The isi_upgrade_logs -s command is used to view the current upgrade state of a Dell PowerScale cluster during an upgrade process. This command provides real-time status information about the upgrade’s progress.

Understanding isi_upgrade_logs:

A utility in OneFS that displays logs and status information related to cluster upgrades.

Helps administrators monitor and troubleshoot the upgrade process.

Using the -s Option:

The -s flag stands for "status."

When used with isi_upgrade_logs, it displays the current state of the upgrade, including which nodes have been upgraded, which are pending, and any ongoing activities. Information Provided by the Command:

Upgrade Phases:

Shows which phase the upgrade is in (e.g., pre-checks, package installation, post-checks).

Node Status:

Indicates the status of each node (e.g., upgraded, in progress, pending).

Overall Progress:

Provides percentage completion and estimated time remaining.

Why Other Options Are Less Suitable:

A. Post upgrade errors:

While isi_upgrade_logs can display errors, the -s option specifically shows the current state, not post-upgrade errors.

C. Active upgrade errors:

Error logs can be viewed using different options, such as isi_upgrade_logs -e, but -s focuses on status, not errors.

D. Upgrade assessment results:

Upgrade assessments are performed prior to the upgrade using tools like isi upgrade cluster assess.

Results are not viewed with isi_upgrade_logs -s.

Monitoring Upgrade Progress:

Regular Checks:

Administrators should regularly run isi_upgrade_logs -s during an upgrade to monitor progress and

identify any issues early.

Example Output:

The command outputs a table or list detailing the status of each node and the overall upgrade progress.

Dell PowerScale

Reference: Dell EMC PowerScale OneFS Upgrade Planning and Process Guide:

Provides detailed instructions on performing upgrades and monitoring their progress.

Dell EMC PowerScale OneFS Upgrade Guide

OneFS CLI Administration Guide:

Contains information on isi_upgrade_logs and other upgrade-related commands.

Dell EMC PowerScale OneFS CLI Guide

Knowledge Base Articles:

Article ID 000034567: "Monitoring Cluster Upgrades Using isi_upgrade_logs"

Article ID 000089012: "Interpreting Upgrade Status and Logs in OneFS"

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