What are two of the characteristics of using online prediction rather than batch prediction?

What are two of the characteristics of using online prediction rather than batch prediction?
A . It is optimized to handle a high volume of data instances in a job and to run more complex models.
B . Predictions are returned in the response message.
C . Predictions are written to output files in a Cloud Storage location that you specify.
D . It is optimized to minimize the latency of serving predictions.

Answer: BD


Online prediction

.Optimized to minimize the latency of serving predictions.

.Predictions returned in the response message.

Batch prediction

.Optimized to handle a high volume of instances in a job and to run more complex models.

.Predictions written to output files in a Cloud Storage location that you specify.

Reference: https://cloud.google.com/ml-engine/docs/prediction-overview#online_prediction_versus_batch_prediction

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