What are the three conflict resolution rules in the Threat Prevention Policy Layers?

What are the three conflict resolution rules in the Threat Prevention Policy Layers?
A . Conflict on action, conflict on exception, and conflict on settings
B . Conflict on scope, conflict on settings, and conflict on exception
C . Conflict on settings, conflict on address, and conflict on exception
D . Conflict on action, conflict on destination, and conflict on settings

Answer: C

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5 years ago

The answer should be A.

Conflict on action The action for a specified scope is different between layers. The action taken will be the most restrictive.

Conflict on exception The exceptions for a specified scope is different between layers. The action taken will be the most liberal, or least restrictive.

Conflict on settings The settings, such as MME nesting, differ between layers. The setting used will be from the first policy layer.