What are the correct steps to complete this task?

An AEM Forms developer is working on AEM Forms workflow and needs to create an end-to-end procedure to create, run, and monitor a Forms-centric workflow on OSGi.

What are the correct steps to complete this task?
A . Create a workflow model > Launch a workflow > Audit or use a workflow
B. Launch a workflow > Create a workflow model > Audit or use a workflow
C. Create a workflow model > Audit or use a workflow > Launch a workflow

Answer: A


These are the correct steps to create, run, and monitor a Forms-centric workflow on OSGi1. A workflow model defines the sequence of steps and actions that are executed when a workflow is launched. A workflow can be launched manually or automatically based on certain triggers. A workflow can be audited or used by accessing the AEM Inbox, which shows the tasks assigned to a user or a group.

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