What Anypoint Connector can be used in the organization’s Mule application to securely receive data from this external business partner?

Refer to the exhibit.

An organization is designing a Mule application to receive data from one external business partner.

The two companies currently have no shared IT infrastructure and do not want to establish one.

Instead, all communication should be over the public internet (with no VPN).

What Anypoint Connector can be used in the organization’s Mule application to securely receive data from this external business partner?
A . File connector
B . VM connector
C . SFTP connector
D . Object Store connector

Answer: C


* Object Store and VM Store is used for sharing data inter or intra mule applications in same setup. Can’t be used with external Business Partner

* Also File connector will not be useful as the two companies currently have no shared IT infrastructure. It’s specific for local use.

* Correct answer is SFTP connector. The SFTP Connector implements a secure file transport channel so that your Mule application can exchange files with external resources. SFTP uses the SSH security protocol to transfer messages. You can implement the SFTP endpoint as an inbound endpoint with a one-way exchange pattern, or as an outbound endpoint configured for either a one-way or request-response exchange pattern.

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