What actions must be manually selected in the App/Web Recorder before recording a step?

What actions must be manually selected in the App/Web Recorder before recording a step?
A . Copy text using the Get Text activity.
Hover over an element using the Hover activity.
Highlight an element using the Highlight activity.

B . Copy text using the Get Text activity.
Hover over an element using the Hover activity.
Click on buttons, links, and other clickable elements such as icons or images.
Type text in a text area such as a text box.
Select or clear a check box.
C . Select or clear a check box.
Send keyboard shortcuts using your keyboard.
Select an item from a drop-down.
D . Click on buttons, links, and other clickable elements such as icons or images.
Type text in a text area such as a text box.
Select or clear a check box.
Send keyboard shortcuts using your keyboard.
Select an item from a drop-down.

Answer: A


The App/Web Recorder is a tool that allows you to record your actions on an application or a web browser and generate activities automatically1. The App/Web Recorder has a toolbar that contains different actions that you can select before recording a step2. Some of these actions are: Click: This action records a click on a button, link, or any other clickable element.

Type: This action records typing text in a text box or any other text area.

Check: This action records selecting or clearing a check box.

Send Hotkey: This action records sending keyboard shortcuts using your keyboard.

Select Item: This action records selecting an item from a drop-down list or any other selector.

These actions are automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder when you perform them on the application or web browser3. However, there are some actions that are not automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder, and you need to manually select them from the toolbar before recording a step.

These actions are:

Get Text: This action records copying text from a label, paragraph, or any other text element.

Hover: This action records hovering over an element with your mouse cursor.

Highlight: This action records highlighting an element with a colored border.

These actions are useful for extracting data, triggering events, or identifying elements on the application or web browser4. To use these actions, you need to select them from the toolbar and then indicate the element on the screen that you want to apply them to5.

Therefore, option A is the correct answer, as it lists the actions that must be manually selected in the App/Web Recorder before recording a step. Option B includes some actions that are automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder, such as Click and Type. Option C also includes some actions that are automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder, such as Check and Send Hotkey. Option D includes all the actions that are automatically detected and recorded by the App/Web Recorder.

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