Which three steps need to be completed to configure Identity Bridging for an SAML application on the VMWare UAG? (Choose three.)
Which three steps need to be completed to configure Identity Bridging for an SAML application on the VMWare UAG? (Choose three.)A . An identity provider is configured and the SAML metadata of the identity provider saved.B . SAML responses from IDP to SP contain SAML assertions which have SAML attribute.C...
Which key use case requires VMware Identity Manager?
Initial Stakeholder Interview Findings In addition to the goals summarized in the previous section, the following are findings from initial interviews with the key stakeholders and an analysis of their service level agreements. - The design must use the F5 Loadbalancer and should be as redundant as possible. - Qualified...
Which two solution components are necessary to support the design requirement?
An architect is planning a design for a Workspace ONE deployment that will use Kerberos for integrated windows authentication. A requirement of the solution is that all authentication methods must be highly available. Which two solution components are necessary to support the design requirement? (Choose two).A . Connectors deployed behind...
Which two solution components are necessary to support the design requirement?
An architect is planning a design for a Workspace ONE deployment that will use Kerberos for integrated windows authentication. A requirement of the solution is that all authentication methods must be highly available. Which two solution components are necessary to support the design requirement? (Choose two).A . Connectors deployed behind...
The certproxy will be managed on which server when using it on-premises?
The certproxy will be managed on which server when using it on-premises?A . The cert proxy settings must be configured on the Workspace ONE UEM Admin console to manage the Android Mobile SSO requests.B . The cert proxy settings must be configured on the VMware Identity Manager in the appliance...
Which file does the administrator need to collect?
An administrator is adding an SaaS app to authenticate using SAML. Which file does the administrator need to collect?A . Config files for adding the SaaS app in Workspace ONE UEC . Within the VMware Identity Manager locate the Service Provider (SP) metadata, save it as sp.xml and import it...
Which two solution components are necessary to support the design requirement?
An architect is planning a design for a Workspace ONE deployment that will use Kerberos for integrated windows authentication. A requirement of the solution is that all authentication methods must be highly available. Which two solution components are necessary to support the design requirement? (Choose two).A . Connectors deployed behind...
Which two solution components are necessary to support the design requirement?
An architect is planning a design for a Workspace ONE deployment that will use Kerberos for integrated windows authentication. A requirement of the solution is that all authentication methods must be highly available. Which two solution components are necessary to support the design requirement? (Choose two).A . Connectors deployed behind...
Initial Stakeholder Interview Findings
Initial Stakeholder Interview Findings In addition to the goals summarized in the previous section, the following are findings from initial interviews with the key stakeholders and an analysis of their service level agreements. - The design must use the F5 Loadbalancer and should be as redundant as possible. - Qualified...
Which Workspace ONE Android app is needed for Mobile SSO for Android?
Which Workspace ONE Android app is needed for Mobile SSO for Android?A . VMware Tunnel configured with the Cloud Tunnel component installed.B . VMware Tunnel configured with the Device Tunnel component installed.C . VMware Tunnel configured with the User Tunnel component installed.D . VMware Tunnel configured with the Per-App Tunnel...