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Use the command on the  MSR  router:

Use the command on the  MSR  router:

dis qos wfq interface GigabitEthernet 0/1

Get the following information:

Interface: GigabitEthernet0/1

Output queue:  (  Urgent queuing: Size/Length/Discards  )  0/100/0

Output queue:  (  Protocol|queuing: Size/Length/Discards  )  0/500/0

Output queue:  (  Weighted Fair queuing: Size/Length/Discarcds  )  1023/1024/52719

Hashed b DSCP

Hashed queues 1/2/64  (  Active/Max active/Total  )

Then the correct one in the following statement is  ____  .
A . end port using the  WFQ  queues, the weight type  DSCP
B . end port using the  WFQ  queues, the weight of type  IP  priority
C . When the number of queues is active before  2
D . calendar history activated off the maximum number of queues is  2
E . team column a maximum length of  1024  , the current data hold chamber, and packet loss

Answer:   ADE

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