
To complete the sentence with the best word, click on the blank section you want to complete so it is highlighted in red and then click on the applicable text from the option(s) below. Alternatively drag and drop the option(s) to the appropriate blank section


Select the word that best completes the sentence:

To complete the sentence with the best word, click on the blank section you want to complete so it is highlighted in red and then click on the applicable text from the option(s) below. Alternatively drag and drop the option(s) to the appropriate blank section.



According to the ISO – Management system standards page, the key benefits of an effective management system include improved operational effectiveness and efficiency, improved risk management and protection of people and the environment, and enhanced drive for innovation.

The Integrated Use of Management System Standards (IUMSS) handbook also states that the purpose and objectives of management system standards are to help organizations improve their performance by specifying repeatable steps that organizations consciously implement to achieve their goals and objectives.

Therefore, the complete sentence is:

“The purpose of a management system standard is to improve the performance of an organization.”

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