The team has decided to take advantage of table properties to identify a business owner for each table, which of the following table DDL syntax allows you to populate a table property identifying the business owner of a table

The team has decided to take advantage of table properties to identify a business owner for each table, which of the following table DDL syntax allows you to populate a table property identifying the business owner of a table

CREATE TABLE inventory (id INT, units FLOAT)
A . SET TBLPROPERTIES business_owner = ‘supply chain’
CREATE TABLE inventory (id INT, units FLOAT)
B . TBLPROPERTIES (business_owner = ‘supply chain’)
C . CREATE TABLE inventory (id INT, units FLOAT)
SET (business_owner = ‘supply chain’)
D . CREATE TABLE inventory (id INT, units FLOAT)
SET PROPERTY (business_owner = ‘supply chain’)
E . CREATE TABLE inventory (id INT, units FLOAT)
SET TAG (business_owner = ‘supply chain’)

Answer: B


CREATE TABLE inventory (id INT, units FLOAT) TBLPROPERTIES (business_owner = ‘supply chain’)

Table properties and table options (Databricks SQL) | Databricks on AWS Alter table command can used to update the TBLPROPERTIES

ALTER TABLE inventory SET TBLPROPERTIES(business_owner , ‘operations’)

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