The process of gathering data about what customers need and ensuring that desired features are included in the design and initial planning phase of a new product or service is known as:

The process of gathering data about what customers need and ensuring that desired features are included in the design and initial planning phase of a new product or service is known as:
A . a quick response program.
B . quality function deployment.
C . total quality management.
D . early supplier involvement.

Answer: B


Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic process for gathering customer requirements and ensuring they are incorporated into the design and planning of a new product or service.

Here’s how it works:

Customer Voice: QFD begins with collecting and understanding customer needs and expectations, often referred to as the "voice of the customer."

House of Quality: These needs are translated into design requirements through a tool called the House of Quality, which helps prioritize features based on customer importance.

Cross-Functional Teams: QFD involves cross-functional teams to ensure that all relevant perspectives (e.g., marketing, engineering, manufacturing) are considered in the design process.

Integration: The process ensures that customer needs are systematically integrated into product design, reducing the risk of missing key features or quality attributes.

QFD is thus a comprehensive approach to ensuring that customer needs are central to product development from the outset.

Reference: Akao, Y. (1990). Quality Function Deployment: Integrating Customer Requirements into Product Design. Productivity Press.

Cohen, L. (1995). Quality Function Deployment: How to Make QFD Work for You. Addison-Wesley.

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