One of the reasons that managing Kubernetes costs in the cloud can be challenging is that the average lifespan of a container is one day. (True or False)

One of the reasons that managing Kubernetes costs in the cloud can be challenging is that the average lifespan of a container is one day. (True or False)A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Kubernetes is a challenge to manage, both on premises and in the cloud. Containerized environments...

September 7, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following two exercises would be understand Stage 1?

Your currently adopting FinOps in your organization and are in Stage 1 - Planning for FinOps in an organization. Which of the following two exercises would be understand Stage 1? (Select Two)A . Practice FormationB . Do Your ResearchC . Build a ToolboxD . Create a PlanView AnswerAnswer: B,D Explanation:...

September 5, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Distributed decision making coupled with the move to variable spending in cloud allows technology teams to efficiently partner with finance and business teams to make informed decisions that drive continual optimization. (True or False)

Distributed decision making coupled with the move to variable spending in cloud allows technology teams to efficiently partner with finance and business teams to make informed decisions that drive continual optimization. (True or False)A . FalseB . TrueView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Statement is correct. Remember that FinOps is really about...

September 5, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What would be two factors you must consider when organizing your team?

You have been asked to assemble the first FinOps team for your company. What would be two factors you must consider when organizing your team? (Select Two)A . Cloud provider billing modelsB . Complexity of the Cloud usageC . Location of your team membersD . Complexity of your organizationView AnswerAnswer:...

September 5, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

goal for a Chief Technology Officer (CTO)?

When proposing the adoption of a FinOps function within an organization, there will be a need to brief a variety of personas among the executive team to gain approval, buy-in, and involvement in conducting FinOps and achieving its goals. Every role has a clearly documented Primary Goal. What is the...

September 5, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

In FinOps decisions are driven by the business value of the cloud? True or False?

In FinOps decisions are driven by the business value of the cloud? True or False?A . FalseB . TrueView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Cloud has been commonly looked to a 'Cost Center'. With FinOps we look at the cloud as a business value creator. One of the main roles of FinOps...

September 4, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following statements would be a correct description of the Inform Phase?

The FinOps journey consists of three iterative phases ― Inform, Optimize and Operate. Which of the following statements would be a correct description of the Inform Phase? (Select One)A . Continuously evaluate business objectives and the metrics they are tracking against those objectives, and how they are trending.B . Optimize...

September 4, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following is the best definition of a Kubernetes Pod? (Select One)

Which of the following is the best definition of a Kubernetes Pod? (Select One)A . A pod consists of a group of nodes and treats them as multiple blocks of resources that can be scheduled and scaled on the nodes.B . A pod consists of a group of nodes and...

September 4, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What are they?

There are effectively two 'levers' that are used to reduce costs in cloud computing. What are they? (Select Two)A . Restructuring CostsB . Mitigating CostsC . Avoiding CostsD . Reducing CostsView AnswerAnswer: C,D Explanation: There are two levers. 1.Reduce what you use and we call this avoiding costs 2. Pay...

September 4, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What would we use to account for costs for each business units and then debit the business unit for the cloud usage?

Your currently working with the head of finance to understand how to identify specific cloud usage to specific business units. What would we use to account for costs for each business units and then debit the business unit for the cloud usage?A . ChargebackB . ResevationssC . ShowbackD . AllocationE...

September 3, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +