CORRECT TEXT Task Create a new deployment for running.nginx with the following parameters; • Run the deployment in the kdpd00201 namespace. The namespace has already been created • Name the deployment frontend and configure with 4 replicas • Configure the pod with a container image of lfccncf/nginx:1.13.7 • Set an...

December 15, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Task: 1- Update the Propertunel scaling configuration of the Deployment web1 in the ckad00015 namespace setting maxSurge to 2 and maxUnavailable to 59 2- Update the web1 Deployment to use version tag 1.13.7 for the Ifconf/nginx container image. 3- Perform a rollback of the web1 Deployment to its...

December 13, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Context A pod is running on the cluster but it is not responding. Task The desired behavior is to have Kubemetes restart the pod when an endpoint returns an HTTP 500 on the /healthz endpoint. The service, probe-pod, should never send traffic to the pod while it is...

December 13, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Context You have been tasked with scaling an existing deployment for availability, and creating a service to expose the deployment within your infrastructure. Task Start with the deployment named kdsn00101-deployment which has already been deployed to the namespace kdsn00101 . Edit it to: • Add the func=webFrontEnd key/value...

December 12, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Context You are tasked to create a ConfigMap and consume the ConfigMap in a pod using a volume mount. Task Please complete the following: • Create a ConfigMap named another-config containing the key/value pair: key4/value3 • start a pod named nginx-configmap containing a single container using the nginx...

December 12, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Context Anytime a team needs to run a container on Kubernetes they will need to define a pod within which to run the container. Task Please complete the following: • Create a YAML formatted pod manifest /opt/KDPD00101/podl.yml to create a pod named app1 that runs a container named...

December 10, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Context A user has reported an aopticauon is unteachable due to a failing livenessProbe . Task Perform the following tasks: • Find the broken pod and store its name and namespace to /opt/KDOB00401/broken.txt in the format: The output file has already been created • Store the associated error...

December 10, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Task: Create a Deployment named expose in the existing ckad00014 namespace running 6 replicas of a Pod. Specify a single container using the ifccncf/nginx: 1.13.7 image Add an environment variable named NGINX_PORT with the value 8001 to the container then expose port 8001View AnswerAnswer: Solution: Text Description automatically...

December 5, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Task: ✑ To run 2 replicas of the pod ✑ Add the following label on the pod: Role userUIView AnswerAnswer: Solution: Text Description automatically generated Text Description automatically generated Text Description automatically generated

December 5, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +


CORRECT TEXT Context A project that you are working on has a requirement for persistent data to be available. Task To facilitate this, perform the following tasks: • Create a file on node sk8s-node-0 at /opt/KDSP00101/data/index.html with the content Acct=Finance • Create a PersistentVolume named task-pv-volume using hostPath and allocate...

December 1, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +