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The following are stages of an audit, put them in the order they would be conducted


The following are stages of an audit, put them in the order they would be conducted.

The first and last stages have been done for you.

To complete the sequence click on the blank section you want to complete so it is highlighted in red and then click on the applicable text from the options below. Alternatively, drag and drop the options to the appropriate blank section.



Establishing the audit programme objectives

Determining and evaluating the audit programme risks and opportunities

Establishing the audit programme

Initiating the audit

Preparing all audit activity

Conducting the audit activities

To complete the sequence, you can drag and drop the options to the appropriate blank section.

Here is a brief explanation of each stage:

Establishing the audit programme objectives: This is the first stage of the audit process, where the purpose, scope, and criteria of the audit programme are defined. The audit programme objectives should be aligned with the strategic direction and policies of the organization, and should address the needs and expectations of the interested parties12.

Determining and evaluating the audit programme risks and opportunities: This is the second stage of the audit process, where the factors that can affect the achievement of the audit programme objectives are identified and assessed. The audit programme risks and opportunities should consider the internal and external issues, the requirements and changes of the interested parties, and the results and feedback from previous audits12.

Establishing the audit programme: This is the third stage of the audit process, where the audit programme is designed and implemented. The audit programme should include the audit programme procedures, the audit programme resources, the audit methods and techniques, the audit frequency and schedule, and the audit programme performance indicators12.

Initiating the audit: This is the fourth stage of the audit process, where the audit is prepared and planned. The audit initiation involves selecting the audit team, establishing the contact with the auditee, defining the audit objectives, scope, and criteria, developing the audit plan, and conducting the document review123.

Preparing all audit activity: This is the fifth stage of the audit process, where the audit activities are organized and coordinated. The audit preparation involves assigning the audit tasks, communicating with the auditee and the audit team, arranging the logistics, preparing the working documents, and conducting the opening meeting123.

Conducting the audit activities: This is the sixth and final stage of the audit process, where the audit evidence is collected and evaluated. The audit conduct involves performing the audit activities, such as interviews, observations, document reviews, and tests, documenting the audit findings, preparing the audit conclusions, and conducting the closing meeting123.

I hope this helps you with your ISO 9001 Lead Auditor objectives and content. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.


1: ISO 19011:2018 – Guidelines for auditing management systems

2: Audit Process | Flowchart | Summary – Accountinguide

3: What are the Stages of the Auditing Process & Why it is Important …

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