Which of the following commands will help the administrator accomplish this task?

A systems administrator is tasked with installing GRUB on the legacy MBR of the SATA hard drive . Which of the following commands will help the administrator accomplish this task?A . grub-install /dev/hda B. grub-install /dev/sda C. grub-install /dev/sr0 D. grub-install /dev/hd0,0View AnswerAnswer: B

October 14, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands will display the operating system?

Which of the following commands will display the operating system?A . uname -n B. uname -s C. uname -o D. uname -mView AnswerAnswer: C

October 14, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands will the administrator most likely run NEXT?

A systems administrator received a notification that a system is performing slowly. When running the top command, the systems administrator can see the following values: Which of the following commands will the administrator most likely run NEXT?A . vmstat B. strace C. htop D. lsofView AnswerAnswer: A

October 13, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?

A Linux engineer is setting the sticky bit on a directory called devops with 755 file permission . Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?A . chown -s 755 devops B. chown 1755 devops C. chmod -s 755 devops D. chmod 1755 devopsView AnswerAnswer: D

October 13, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?

A Linux administrator was tasked with deleting all files and directories with names that are contained in the sobelete.txt file . Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?A . xargs -f cat toDelete.txt -rm B. rm -d -r -f toDelete.txt C. cat toDelete.txt | rm -frd D. cat...

October 13, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands would be MOST helpful for troubleshooting?

A Linux administrator is alerted to a storage capacity issue on a server without a specific mount point or directory . Which of the following commands would be MOST helpful for troubleshooting? (Choose two.)A . parted B. df C. mount D. du E. fdisk F. dd G. lsView AnswerAnswer: B,D

October 12, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?

A Linux administrator has been tasked with installing the most recent versions of packages on a RPM-based OS . Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?A . apt-get upgrade B. rpm -a C. yum updateinfo D. dnf update E. yum check-updateView AnswerAnswer: D

October 12, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following will execute the command?

A systems administrator is checking the system logs. The administrator wants to look at the last 20 lines of a log . Which of the following will execute the command?A . tail -v 20 B. tail -n 20 C. tail -c 20 D. tail -l 20View AnswerAnswer: B

October 12, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following commands will achieve this goal?

A Linux administrator wants to set the SUID of a file named dev_team.text with 744 access rights . Which of the following commands will achieve this goal?A . chmod 4744 dev_team.txt B. chmod 744 --setuid dev_team.txt C. chmod -c 744 dev_team.txt D. chmod -v 4744 --suid dev_team.txtView AnswerAnswer: A

October 12, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Based on the information above, which of the following is causing the issue?

Users have been unable to reach www.comptia.org from a Linux server. A systems administrator is troubleshooting the issue and does the following: Based on the information above, which of the following is causing the issue?A . The name www.comptia.org does not point to a valid IP address. B. The server...

October 11, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +