Which of the following options can be used to boot the system into the single user mode?
A Linux system is failing to start due to issues with several critical system processes. Which of the following options can be used to boot the system into the single user mode? (Choose two.)A . Execute the following command from the GRUB rescue shell: mount -o remount, ro/sysroot.B . Interrupt...
Based on the information above, which of the following is causing the issue?
A systems administrator is receiving tickets from users who cannot reach the application app that should be listening on port 9443/tcp on a Linux server. To troubleshoot the issue, the systems administrator runs netstat and receives the following output: Based on the information above, which of the following is causing...
Using AD Query, the security gateway connections to the Active Directory Domain Controllers using what protocol?
Using AD Query, the security gateway connections to the Active Directory Domain Controllers using what protocol?A . Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)B . Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)C . Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)D . Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)View AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Using AD Query, the security gateway connects to the...
Which of the following commands will grant the request?
A systems administrator received a request to change a user's credentials. Which of the following commands will grant the request?A . sudo passwdB . sudo userde 1C . sudo chageD . sudo usermodView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: This command will allow the systems administrator to change the password of another user...
Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?
A systems administrator is configuring a Linux system so the network traffic from the internal network going out through the eth0 interface would appear as if it was sent directly from this interface. Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?A . iptables -A POSTROUTING -s -o...
Which of the following commands should be used to rename the image to match the correct version 2.1.2?
A new application container was built with an incorrect version number. Which of the following commands should be used to rename the image to match the correct version 2.1.2? A. docker tag comptia/app:2.1.1 comptia/app:2.1.2 B. docker push comptia/app:2.1.1 comptia/app:2.1.2 C. docker rmi comptia/app:2.1.1 comptia/app:2.1.2 D. docker update comptia/app:2.1.1 comptia/app:2.1.2View AnswerAnswer:...
Which of the following commands should the administrator use for this task?
A new file was added to a main Git repository. An administrator wants to synchronize a local copy with the contents of the main repository. Which of the following commands should the administrator use for this task?A . git reflogB . git pullC . git statusD . git pushView AnswerAnswer:...
Which of the following commands would ensure the server is set to runlevel 5?
A junior Linux administrator is tasked with installing an application. The installation guide states the application should only be installed in a run level 5 environment. Which of the following commands would ensure the server is set to runlevel 5?A . systemct1 isolate multi-user.targetB . systemct1 isolate graphical.targetC . systemct1...
Which of the following commands should the administrator run to achieve this goal?
Developers have requested implementation of a persistent, static route on the application server. Packets sent over the interface eth0 to should be routed via Which of the following commands should the administrator run to achieve this goal?A . route -i etho -p add . route modify...
Which of the following commands should be used to accomplish this task?
A Linux administrator needs to create an image named sda.img from the sda disk and store it in the /tmp directory. Which of the following commands should be used to accomplish this task?A . dd of=/dev/sda if=/tmp/sda.imgB . dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/sda.imgC . dd --if=/dev/sda --of=/tmp/sda.imgD . dd --of=/dev/sda --if=/tmp/sda.imgView AnswerAnswer:...