Based on the output above, which of following is the MOST probable cause of the issue?
A systems administrator is troubleshooting connectivity issues and trying to find out why a Linux server is not able to reach other servers on the same subnet it is connected to. When listing link parameters, the following is presented: Based on the output above, which of following is the MOST...
Which of the following Git actions should the Linux administrator use to publish the changes to the main branch of the remote repository?
A Linux administrator copied a Git repository locally, created a feature branch, and committed some changes to the feature branch. Which of the following Git actions should the Linux administrator use to publish the changes to the main branch of the remote repository?A . rebaseB . tagC . commitD ....
Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?
A Linux administrator needs to create a new user named user02. However, user02 must be in a different home directory, which is under /comptia/projects. Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?A . useradd -d /comptia/projects user02B . useradd -m /comptia/projects user02C . useradd -b /comptia/projects user02D . useradd...
Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?
A Linux administrator is tasked with adding users to the system. However, the administrator wants to ensure the users’ access will be disabled once the project is over. The expiration date should be 2021-09-30. Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?A . sudo useradd -e 2021-09-30 Project_userB ....
Which of the following commands will display the operating system?
Which of the following commands will display the operating system?A . uname -nB . uname -sC . uname -oD . uname -mView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: The command that will display the operating system is uname -o. This command uses the uname tool, which is used to print system information such...
Which of the following can the administrator use to verify the root directory has this file?
A systems administrator needs to verify whether the built container has the app.go file in its root directory. Which of the following can the administrator use to verify the root directory has this file?A . docker image inspectB . docker container inspectC . docker exec <container_name> lsD . docker ps...
Which of the following will accomplish this goal?
A Linux administrator created the directory /project/access2all. By creating this directory, the administrator is trying to avoid the deletion or modification of files from non-owners. Which of the following will accomplish this goal?A . chmod +t /project/access2allB . chmod +rws /project/access2allC . chmod 2770 /project/access2allD . chmod ugo+rwx /project/access2allView AnswerAnswer:...
Which of the following commands should the administrator use for this task?
A new file was added to a main Git repository. An administrator wants to synchronize a local copy with the contents of the main repository. Which of the following commands should the administrator use for this task?A . git reflogB . git pullC . git statusD . git pushView AnswerAnswer:...
Which of the follow-ing should the user execute in order for the script to run properly?
A user created the following script file: # ! /bin/bash # FILENAME: /home/user/ script . sh echo "hello world" exit 1 However, when the user tried to run the script file using the command "script . sh, an error returned indicating permission was denied. Which of the follow-ing should the...
Which of the following tools should be used to meet this requirement?
A systems administrator is adding a Linux-based server and removing a Windows-based server from a cloud-based environment. The changes need to be validated before they are applied to the cloud-based environment. Which of the following tools should be used to meet this requirement?A . AnsibleB . git cloneC . git...