Which of the following commands should the administrator use to diagnose the issue?
Several users reported that they were unable to write data to the /oracle1 directory. The following output has been provided: Which of the following commands should the administrator use to diagnose the issue?A . df -i /oracle1B . fdisk -1 /dev/sdb1C . lsblk /dev/sdb1D . du -sh /oracle1View AnswerAnswer: A...
Which of the following commands will satisfy this requirement?
A systems administrator requires that all files that are created by the user named web have read-only permissions by the owner. Which of the following commands will satisfy this requirement?A . chown web:web /home/webB . chmod -R 400 /home/webC . echo "umask 377" >> /home/web/.bashrcD . setfacl read /home/webView AnswerAnswer:...
Which of the following will execute the command?
A systems administrator is checking the system logs. The administrator wants to look at the last 20 lines of a log. Which of the following will execute the command?A . tail -v 20B . tail -n 20C . tail -c 20D . tail -l 20View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The command...
Based on the above output, which of the following BEST describes the root cause?
An administrator is trying to diagnose a performance issue and is reviewing the following output: System Properties: CPU: 4 vCPU Memory: 40GB Disk maximum IOPS: 690 Disk maximum throughput: 44Mbps | 44000Kbps Based on the above output, which of the following BEST describes the root cause?A . The system has...
Which of the following is causing the issue?
When trying to log in remotely to a server, a user receives the following message: The server administrator is investigating the issue on the server and receives the following outputs: Which of the following is causing the issue?A . The wrong permissions are on the user’s home directory.B . The...
To which of the following configuration files will the required changes need to be made?
Based on an organization’s new cybersecurity policies, an administrator has been instructed to ensure that, by default, all new users and groups that are created fall within the specified values below. To which of the following configuration files will the required changes need to be made?A . /etc/login.defsB . /etc/security/limits.confC...
Which of the following commands allows the Linux administrator to enter the running container and analyze the logs that are stored inside?
A Linux administrator needs to analyze a failing application that is running inside a container. Which of the following commands allows the Linux administrator to enter the running container and analyze the logs that are stored inside?A . docker run -ti app /bin/shB . podman exec -ti app /bin/shC ....
Which of the following actions will resolve this issue?
A Linux system is failing to boot with the following error: Which of the following actions will resolve this issue? (Choose two.)A . Execute grub-install --root-directory=/mnt and reboot.B . Execute grub-install /dev/sdX and reboot.C . Interrupt the boot process in the GRUB menu and add rescue to the kernel line.D...
Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?
A Linux administrator was asked to run a container with the httpd server inside. This container should be exposed at port 443 of a Linux host machine while it internally listens on port 8443. Which of the following commands will accomplish this task?A . podman run -d -p 443:8443 httpdB...
Which of the following files will be moved to the remote servers?
A junior systems administrator has just generated public and private authentication keys for passwordless login. Which of the following files will be moved to the remote servers?A . id_dsa.pemB . id_rsaC . id_ecdsaD . id_rsa.pubView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: The file id_rsa.pub will be moved to the remote servers for passwordless...