What is the best approach if the required file does not exist?
A developer automated a process with the following logic: each queue item contains a filepath to an Excel file. If the required file exists, robot needs to upload it on Sharepoint. Otherwise, the transaction cannot be considered a success. What is the best approach if the required file does not...
If you want to ensure you have the newest version from the server on your local machine, which TFS command should be used?
You are working on a project with three other developers and are using Team Foundation Server (TFS) source control in UiPath Studio. If you want to ensure you have the newest version from the server on your local machine, which TFS command should be used?A . Check In B. Commit...
What will be the result of the processing?
A developer uses a For Each Row in Data Table activity to iterate through a sampleDataTable that stores current prices of the product and price at the discount. The developer wants to remove some rows (please see the condition in the If activity) and display, how many rows were left...
Which steps will be included in the Dispatcher process?
Log out and close the company's application The developer needs to create a process using the Dispatcher/Performer architecture for the company. Which steps will be included in the Dispatcher process?A . 1-3 B. 1-4 C. 3-4 D. 3-6View AnswerAnswer: B
The return value of the Get Transaction Item activity is of the following type:
The return value of the Get Transaction Item activity is of the following type:A . String B. List C. Object D. QueueItemView AnswerAnswer: D
In which situation can "idx" be used in a reliable selector?
In which situation can "idx" be used in a reliable selector?A . When the exact n-th element in a static UI list is needed in the process B. When the "idx" value is either 1 or 2 C. When the selectors of the elements in the application rarely change D....
Which name of the field would cause the logging process to become corrupted?
A developer creates an automation solution that processes a specific file stored in a Shared location. A developer uses Add Log Fields activity to add a field that indicates which file is being processed during each run. Which name of the field would cause the logging process to become corrupted?A...
From the lowest priority to the highest priority, what is the correct priority sequence of the Log Levels for UiPath Robots?
DRAG DROP From the lowest priority to the highest priority, what is the correct priority sequence of the Log Levels for UiPath Robots? NOTE: Drag and drop the lowest priority level to the top of the list and repeat until the highest priority level appears at the bottom of the...
Which is the best way to navigate to a specific page in a Web Browser?
Which is the best way to navigate to a specific page in a Web Browser?A . Use the Navigate To activity inside an Attache Browser container B. Use the Type into activity inside an Attach Browser container C. Use a Type into activity with a full selectorView AnswerAnswer: A
If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?
If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?A . Element B. Selector C. ClippingRegion D. WaitForReadyView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/click