What will be the result of the processing?

A developer uses a For Each Row in Data Table activity to iterate through a sampleDataTable that stores current prices of the product and price at the discount. The developer wants to remove some rows (please see the condition in the If activity) and display, how many rows were left...

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What will be the result of the processing?

A developer uses a For Each Row in Data Table activity to iterate through a sampleDataTable that stores current prices of the product and price at the discount. The developer wants to remove some rows (please see the condition in the If activity) and display, how many rows were left...

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Based on UiPath best practices, what must the developer use to ensure that an error is thrown if the label text or the button element does not load?

The retrieving of the data or clicking the button must be tried until successful. Based on UiPath best practices, what must the developer use to ensure that an error is thrown if the label text or the button element does not load?A . Use the Get Text activity with the...

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following Rules belongs to the Design Best Practices category?

Which of the following Rules belongs to the Design Best Practices category?A . ST-MRD-008 -Empty Sequence B. ST-NMG-009 -Prefix Datatable Variables C. ST-DBP-021 -Hardcoded Timeout D. ST-SEC-009 -SecureString MisusageView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: NMG -shows that the rule is part of the Naming Rules category. Rules part of Project Anatomy Rules...

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What activity can be used to provide an anchor?

A developer wants to use an Anchor Base activity to search for a UI element by using another UI element as an anchor. What activity can be used to provide an anchor?A . Find Image B. Find Relative Element C. Element Exists D. Find ChildrenView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Find Image...

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which name of the field would cause the logging process to become corrupted?

A developer creates an automation solution that processes a specific file stored in a Shared location. A developer uses Add Log Fields activity to add a field that indicates which file is being processed during each run. Which name of the field would cause the logging process to become corrupted?A...

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the reason for the pop-up message?

A developer is using GIT for version control. While the developer is attempting to Commit and Push a local file to the repository, the following pop-up message is displayed: What is the reason for the pop-up message?A . Project was not properly checked out in Studio and merge failed into...

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which warning will be shown in the Analyzer output for this activity?

A developer uses Workflow Analyzer with the default rules to check if a project follows best practices. In one of the workflows, the Properties of a Click activity is shown in the following exhibit. Which warning will be shown in the Analyzer output for this activity?A . Timeout values is...

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?

If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?A . Element B. Selector C. ClippingRegion D. WaitForReadyView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/click

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What is a UiPath best practice relative to the use of SecureString?

You recently observed a developer using the SecureString variable type in their workflow. What is a UiPath best practice relative to the use of SecureString?A . Name of the SecureString variable should include the prefix "str_". B. SecureString variable scope should be limited to the scope where it is created....

March 2, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +