What section(s) does the Final State activity contain?
A developer creates a process using a State Machine. What section(s) does the Final State activity contain?A . Entry and Exit B. Entry C. Exit D. Entry, Exit and Transition(s)View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The State activity contains three sections, Entry, Exit and Transition(s), while the Final State only contains one...
If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?
If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?A . Element B. Selector C. ClippingRegion D. WaitForReadyView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/click
Which file in the Robotic Enterprise (RE) Framework reads the Data/Config.xlsx file and retrieves assets from Orchestrator into the process?
Which file in the Robotic Enterprise (RE) Framework reads the Data/Config.xlsx file and retrieves assets from Orchestrator into the process?A . KillAllProcesses.xaml B. InitAllApplications.xaml C. InitAllSettings.xaml D. Process.xamlView AnswerAnswer: B
How can a process be executed on three different robots?
How can a process be executed on three different robots?A . By scheduling the process and adjusting the settings in the Execution Target tab accordingly B. By creating a job and selecting all three robots C. By deploying the process in the environment of the robots, which run it automatically...
What is this type of exception?
A developer is working on an automation. The automated process must log into Citrix and click on the "Generate Shipment Details" button. Ideally, this generates a table of shipping records. If the generated table displays only the header row and no data is available, then it should be marked as...
What type of selectors will be generated during recording?
A developer wants to use a Basic recorder to capture several clicks on a website. What type of selectors will be generated during recording?A . Basic recorder does not allow to capture actions on websites. B. Partial C. Dynamic D. FullView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Basic recording type generates a full...
If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?
If a developer wants to use a variable of type UIElement to identify a button in a Click activity, which property must be manually configured during development?A . Element B. Selector C. ClippingRegion D. WaitForReadyView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://docs.uipath.com/activities/docs/click
What is the best approach if the required file does not exist?
A developer automated a process with the following logic: each queue item contains a filepath to an Excel file. If the required file exists, robot needs to upload it on Sharepoint. Otherwise, the transaction cannot be considered a success. What is the best approach if the required file does not...
In UiPath Studio, what describes project validation and workflow analysis?
In UiPath Studio, what describes project validation and workflow analysis?A . Validation of the file or project is performed whenever the Workflow Analyzer is triggered. B. Validation of the file or project is performed after the Workflow Analyzer finishes the report. C. Validation of the file or project is performed...
What will be the result of the processing?
A developer uses a For Each Row in Data Table activity to iterate through a sampleDataTable that stores current prices of the product and price at the discount. The developer wants to remove some rows (please see the condition in the If activity) and display, how many rows were left...