What is the best approach if the required file does not exist?

A developer automated a process with the following logic: each queue item contains a filepath to an Excel file. If the required file exists, robot needs to upload it on Sharepoint. Otherwise, the transaction cannot be considered a success. What is the best approach if the required file does not...

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

How does the Anchor Base activity work?

How does the Anchor Base activity work?A . It searches for an UiElement at a fixed anchor position. B. It searches for an UiElement using a relative coordinate position. C. It searches for an UiElement by using another UiElement as anchor.View AnswerAnswer: C

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What will be the value of "A1" cell in "Sheet2" worksheet when the following sequence is executed?

A developer uses Read Range and Write Range activities to copy data from one worksheet to another. What will be the value of "A1" cell in "Sheet2" worksheet when the following sequence is executed? Please find below the properties of the Read Range activity Please find below the properties of...

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which expression is used to reference this element?

A developer needs to reference the element in the first row of the "ID" column in the System.Data.DataTable, "DT". Which expression is used to reference this element?A . DT.Rows(0).ID B. DT.Rows(1).ID C. DT.Rows(0).Item("ID") D. DT.Rows(1).Item("ID")View AnswerAnswer: B

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

When will the Log Message activity in the Exit section be executed?

A developer is adding a Log Message activity in an Exit section of a single state within a state machine. When will the Log Message activity in the Exit section be executed?A . After the activities in the Entry section and the activities in the trigger are executed. B. After...

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What is a possible cause for this issue?

A developer was reviewing an Orchestration process whose "main" attribute is set to Main.xaml in project.json. However, the process is not pausing as intended. What is a possible cause for this issue?A . UI activities were not used in the process. B. "Wait for Form Task and Resume" activity was...

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

If multiple elements are found at equal distance from the anchor, in which order the target is selected?

A developer uses an Anchor Base activity to search for the required selector. In the "Anchor Position" property, the "Auto" option is selected. If multiple elements are found at equal distance from the anchor, in which order the target is selected?A . Top, Right, Bottom, Left. B. Right, Left, Bottom....

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

To quickly execute the activity with the breakpoint and proceed with the execution, which button should be clicked on the Execute tab of Studio?

When debugging a process, you run in Debug mode and are paused at a breakpoint. To quickly execute the activity with the breakpoint and proceed with the execution, which button should be clicked on the Execute tab of Studio?A . Step Into B. Break C. Step Over D. ContinueView AnswerAnswer:...

March 5, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

At which point in the workflow will this job stop?

A developer created a process with the Robotic Enterprise (RE) Framework, uploaded the package on the Orchestrator, and created a job for it. Once these steps are performed, the job is started from the Orchestrator and begins to process transactions. After two processed transactions, the job is stopped from Orchestrator....

March 5, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which input method(s) will automatically empty the target input fields?

You are developing a .xaml file to interact with multiple fields of a web page. You want to Auto Empty the fields that require input. Which input method(s) will automatically empty the target input fields?A . "SendWindowMessages" only B. "Default" and "SimulateType" C. "SimulateType" only D. "SimulateType" and "SendWindowMessages"View AnswerAnswer:...

March 5, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +