Is this appropriate, and why?

ABC Company carried out a similar project two years ago, in response to changes in health and safety legislation for the health service. The experiences from that project were used to refine the corporate risk management policy. For that reason, the project board decided to use the corporate risk management...

September 17, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Is this an appropriate application of the ‘continued business justification’ principle?

During stage 3, project costs are increasing but there will still be a positive return on investment, as documented in the business case. However, corporate management has recently revised its targets for return on investment and has decided to stop the project as it will not meet the new targets....

September 16, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which principle is being applied, and why?

During stage 3, a work package was assigned to produce the 'planned pilot courses'. The product's quality criteria were defined and baselined before the work package was agreed. Which principle is being applied, and why?A . 'Focus on products', because delivering a product's complete set of features is more important...

September 16, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Is this an appropriate application of the ‘learn from experience’ principle, and why?

One of the senior managers of the company that is developing the ‘e-learning course’ has worked with ABC Company before. The team manager for the delivery of the ‘e-learning course’ has looked on ABC Company’s intranet, but cannot find any reference to this work. The team manager has contacted the...

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Is this an appropriate action for the project board, and why?

ABC Company has decided to include the Health and Safety Training Project in a programme to support their strategy to deliver globally. The programme team has provided the detailed business justification and, as a result, the project board has decided that the business case will not need refining further during...

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which 2 statements explain why the Purchasing Manager should be appointed as a Senior Supplier for this project?

Which 2 statements explain why the Purchasing Manager should be appointed as a Senior Supplier for this project?A . He is responsible for the organization's procurement activates.B . He is responsible for the performance of supplier contracts.C . He was an engineer and worked in that area before taking up...

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which role (A-E) should carry out each action?

DRAG DROP CHANGE A request has been received from a user to add the function to pay by credit card to the ‘amended course booking procedures’ for the ‘e-learning course’. The user has suggested that sales of the course will be reduced if this change is not implemented. Here are...

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following represents the four key characteristics a good Project board should display?

Which of the following represents the four key characteristics a good Project board should display?A . Authority, Credibility, Commitment, AvailabilityB . Authority, Credibility, Delegation, AvailabilityC . Authority, Availability, Connections, DelegationD . Authority, Credibility, Connections, DelegationView AnswerAnswer: B

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected dis-benefits heading?

Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Expected dis-benefits heading?A . A high quality, glossy product will involve additional costs.B . Individuals in the engineering team who are not selected to appear in the calendar photographs will become de-motivated.C . The calendar may not result in the expected 10%...

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed business assurance for this project?

Which 2 alternative actions apply to the proposed business assurance for this project?A . Remove because he will be impacted by the project and therefore represents a user.B . Replace with 'Project Manager' because this is a simple project that does not require additional business assurance.C . Add Outcome Consultants'...

September 15, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +