What is the first thing the risk manager should do?
A risk manager notices that a risk owner is facing challenges implementing their response strategy and the costs are significantly exceeding expectations . What is the first thing the risk manager should do?A . Highlight this situation to the project managerB . Conduct a cost-benefit analysisC . Change the risk...
Which document will need to be updated?
A complex project that had hundreds of risks is almost done. The project manager is closing the risks as part of the closing process. One team member mentions that there are important documents to be updated. Which document will need to be updated?A . Lessons learnedB . Contingency registerC ....
What type of risk is this?
A project manager is working on a construction project. Based on past experience, the project manager identifies a risk that a supplier of a critical material may not deliver on time. The project manager has already accounted for this risk in the risk management plan. If this risk materializes, the...
What recommendation should the risk manager make to the project manager?
The risk manager conducted an updated Monte Carlo simul-ation for the project at the end of a phase. The simul-ation reveals a key activity is now on the critical path. What recommendation should the risk manager make to the project manager?A . Add more float to the key activity B....
Which response should the risk manager take?
The project director and project manager have met with the board and determined that the project has depleted the entire contingency reserve and has started eroding the profit margin. The project manager would like the risk manager to take full advantage of opportunities. Which response should the risk manager take?A...
What should the project risk manager do next to identify risks?
The project risk manager is in the process of identifying risks. The project sponsor has communicated that there is an influential stakeholder who has a senior management position. The other stakeholders do not feel comfortable speaking in front of this stakeholder. What should the project risk manager do next to...
Which risk identification technique should the risk manager use?
A project manager has requested a risk manager facilitate risk identification on a project. While facilitating this effort, the project manager wants to ensure that stakeholders interact and provide their expertise so that an exhaustive list of risks is created. Which risk identification technique should the risk manager use?A ....
What three artifacts should the project manager consult or review during this process?
A project lihat was in the execution phase for the last six months was put on hold and was eventually cancelled after numerous scope related challenges. It was decided to re-plan the scope and divide the project into multiple projects to have better insight into end objectives. As part of...
What are two potential threats or opportunities under the SWOT analysis?
The project manager leading a company's digital signature initiative for engineering drawingshas identified threats and opportunities using a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis. What are two potential threats or opportunities under the SWOT analysis? (Choose two.)A . The management team agreeing to include more resource for the digital...
When conducting a risk identification exercise, what two actions should the risk manager take? (Choose two.)
When conducting a risk identification exercise, what two actions should the risk manager take? (Choose two.)A . Request a contingency reserve from management B. Arrange a team meeting, review the project's scope, and discuss dependency mapping C. Ensure participants review relevant documents before attending the meeting D. Ensure that all...