Which additional packages do you need to install to meet the customer’s needs?
You are installing PSM for SSH with AD-Bridge and CyberArkSSHD mode set to integrated for your customer. Which additional packages do you need to install to meet the customer’s needs? (Choose two.)A . CARKpsmp-infra B. libssh C. OpenSSH 7.8 or higher D. CARKpsmp-ADBridge E. CARKpsmp-SSHDView AnswerAnswer: AB
To enable LDAP over SSL for a Vault when DNS lookups are blocked, which step must be completed?
To enable LDAP over SSL for a Vault when DNS lookups are blocked, which step must be completed?A . Add the FQDN & IP details for each LDAP host into the local hosts file of the Vault server. B. Configure an AllowNonStandardFWAddresses rule in DBParm.ini on the Vault to allow outbound...
What should you confirm before installing any additional PSM servers?
A first PSM server has been installed. What should you confirm before installing any additional PSM servers?A . The PSM ID of the first installed PSM server was changed and the additional PSM server can use the same PSM ID. B. The user performing the installation is a direct owner in...
When creating a distributed Vault environment architecture, what is the maximum number of Vault servers that can be deployed?
When creating a distributed Vault environment architecture, what is the maximum number of Vault servers that can be deployed?A . 5 - number of primary and satellite Vaults can be specified during installation B. 3 - all primary C. 6 - 1 primary and 5 satellite D. 10 - 2 primary and 8...
In which configuration file do you add LoadBalancerClientAddressHeader when you enable x-forwarding on the PVWA loadbalancer?
In which configuration file do you add LoadBalancerClientAddressHeader when you enable x-forwarding on the PVWA loadbalancer?A . PVconfiguration.xml B. web.config C. apigw.ini D. CyberArkScheduledTasks.exe.configView AnswerAnswer: B
What is the default username for the PSM for SSH maintenance user when InstallCyberarkSSHD is set to yes?
What is the default username for the PSM for SSH maintenance user when InstallCyberarkSSHD is set to yes?A . proxymng B. psmp_maintenance C. psmpmaintenanceuser D. psmpmnguserView AnswerAnswer: A
In which configuration file on the Vault can filters be configured to either include or exclude log messages that are sent through SNMP?
In which configuration file on the Vault can filters be configured to either include or exclude log messages that are sent through SNMP?A . PARAgent.ini B. DBParm.ini C. TSParm.ini D. CyberArkv2 MIB fileView AnswerAnswer: A
Which statement about REST API is correct? (Choose two.)
Which statement about REST API is correct? (Choose two.)A . When a user successfully authenticates to the Vault, an authentication token is returned. B. REST API Windows authentication method allows skipping the logon API by using the Windows default credentials with a Kerberos ticket. C. To allow High Availability, REST API can...
What is the most probable cause?
Your customer upgraded recently to version 12.2 to allow the Linux team to use the new MFA caching feature. The PSM for SSH was installed with default configuration settings. After setting the Authentication to SSH key and enabling MFA Caching from the PVWA interface, the Linux Team cannot connect successfully...
Which file should you update to allow this to run?
Before the hardening process, your customer identified a PSM Universal Connector executable that will be required to run on the PSM. Which file should you update to allow this to run?A . PSMConfigureAppLocker.xml B. PSMHardening.xml C. PSMAppConfig.xml D. PSMConfigureHardening.xmlView AnswerAnswer: A