Which one the following reports is NOT generated by using the PVWA?
Which one the following reports is NOT generated by using the PVWA?A . Accounts InventoryB . Application InventoryC . Sales ListD . Convince StatusView AnswerAnswer: C
Users who have the 'Access Safe without confirmation' safe permission on a safe where accounts are configured for Dual control, still need to request approval to use the account.
Users who have the 'Access Safe without confirmation' safe permission on a safe where accounts are configured for Dual control, still need to request approval to use the account.A . TRUEB . FALSEView AnswerAnswer: A
Assuming a safe has been configured to be accessible during certain hours of the day, a Vault Admin may still access that safe outside of those hours.
Assuming a safe has been configured to be accessible during certain hours of the day, a Vault Admin may still access that safe outside of those hours.A . TRUEB . FALSEView AnswerAnswer: B
The primary purpose of exclusive accounts is to ensure non-repudiation (Individual accountability).
The primary purpose of exclusive accounts is to ensure non-repudiation (Individual accountability).A . TRUEB . FALSView AnswerAnswer: A
Match each PTA alert category with the PTA sensors that collect the data for it
DRAG DROP Match each PTA alert category with the PTA sensors that collect the data for it. View AnswerAnswer: Vault suspicious activities detected in a privileged session Logs, Vault, AwS (optional), Azure (optional) suspected credentials theft Logs, Vault, AD(optional), Aws(optional), Azure (optional) unmanaged privileged account Network Sensor,PTA Windows Agent anomalous...
Where do you perform this task?
You need to enable the PSM for all platforms. Where do you perform this task?A . Platform Management > (Platform) > UI & WorkflowsB . Master Policy > Session ManagementC . Master Policy > Privileged Access WorkflowsD . Administration > Options > Connection ComponentsView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/Latest/en/Content/PASIMP/Customizing-PSM-for-Specific-Platforms.htm?TocPath=Administration%7CComponents%7CPrivileged%20Session%20M anager%7CConfiguration%7C_____8
What is the name of the Platform parameters that controls how long a password will stay valid when One Time Passwords are enabled via the Master Policy?
What is the name of the Platform parameters that controls how long a password will stay valid when One Time Passwords are enabled via the Master Policy?A . Min Validity PeriodB . IntervalC . Immediate IntervalD . TimeoutView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Min Validity Period -The number of minutes to wait...
To enable the Automatic response “Add to Pending” within PTA when unmanaged credentials are found, what are the minimum permissions required by PTAUser for the PasswordManager_pending safe?
To enable the Automatic response “Add to Pending” within PTA when unmanaged credentials are found, what are the minimum permissions required by PTAUser for the PasswordManager_pending safe?A . List Accounts, View Safe members, Add accounts (includes update properties), Update Account content, Update Account propertiesB . List Accounts, Add accounts (includes...
Which CyberArk utility can you use to accomplish this task?
You have been asked to identify the up or down status of Vault services. Which CyberArk utility can you use to accomplish this task?A . Vault ReplicatorB . PAS ReporterC . Remote Control AgentD . SyslogView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://docs.cyberark.com/Product-Doc/OnlineHelp/PAS/Latest/en/Content/PASIMP/Remote-Administration-for-the-Vault-DR-Vault.htm?tocpath=Administrator%7CComponents%7CDigital%20Vault%7COperate%20th e%20CyberArk%20Vault%7CMonitor%20the%20Vault%7C_____1
Which safe permission do you need to grant Operations Staff?
All of your Unix root passwords are stored in the safe UnixRoot. Dual control is enabled for some of the accounts in that safe. The members of the AD group UnixAdmins need to be able to use the show, copy, and connect buttons on those passwords at any time without...