Which model is MOST likely to provide the best results in Amazon SageMaker?

A city wants to monitor its air quality to address the consequences of air pollution A Machine Learning Specialist needs to forecast the air quality in parts per million of contaminates for the next 2 days in the city as this is a prototype, only daily data from the last...

January 6, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which function will produce the desired output?

A Machine Learning Specialist is building a convolutional neural network (CNN) that will classify 10 types of animals. The Specialist has built a series of layers in a neural network that will take an input image of an animal, pass it through a series of convolutional and pooling layers, and...

January 6, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which action is recommended to provide the HIGHEST accuracy model for the company's test and validation data?

A web-based company wants to improve its conversion rate on its landing page Using a large historical dataset of customer visits, the company has repeatedly trained a multi-class deep learning network algorithm on Amazon SageMaker However there is an overfitting problem training data shows 90% accuracy in predictions, while test...

January 6, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Given the following confusion matrix for a movie classification model, what is the true class frequency for Romance and the predicted class frequency for Adventure?

Given the following confusion matrix for a movie classification model, what is the true class frequency for Romance and the predicted class frequency for Adventure? A . The true class frequency for Romance is 77.56% and the predicted class frequency for Adventure is 20 85%B . The true class frequency...

January 6, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which method should the Specialist try to improve model performance?

A Machine Learning Specialist deployed a model that provides product recommendations on a company's website Initially, the model was performing very well and resulted in customers buying more products on average However within the past few months the Specialist has noticed that the effect of product recommendations has diminished and...

January 5, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which approach meets trfese requirements?

A financial services company is building a robust serverless data lake on Amazon S3. The data lake should be flexible and meet the following requirements: * Support querying old and new data on Amazon S3 through Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift Spectrum. * Support event-driven ETL pipelines. * Provide a...

January 5, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

How can the company enable the Amazon SageMaker service without enabling direct internet access to Amazon SageMaker notebook instances?

A company is setting up an Amazon SageMaker environment. The corporate data security policy does not allow communication over the internet. How can the company enable the Amazon SageMaker service without enabling direct internet access to Amazon SageMaker notebook instances?A . Create a NAT gateway within the corporate VPC.B ....

January 5, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following modeling techniques should the Specialist use1?

A Machine Learning Specialist is building a supervised model that will evaluate customers' satisfaction with their mobile phone service based on recent usage The model's output should infer whether or not a customer is likely to switch to a competitor in the next 30 days. Which of the following modeling...

January 5, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Which technique can be used to improve model performance in terms of accuracy in the validation set?

This graph shows the training and validation loss against the epochs for a neural network The network being trained is as follows • Two dense layers one output neuron • 100 neurons in each layer • 100 epochs • Random initialization of weights Which technique can be used to improve...

January 5, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

Based on this information, which model would have the HIGHEST recall with respect to the fraudulent class?

A company wants to classify user behavior as either fraudulent or normal. Based on internal research, a Machine Learning Specialist would like to build a binary classifier based on two features: age of account and transaction month. The class distribution for these features is illustrated in the figure provided. Based...

January 5, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +