What does the gear icon on the prospect list allow you to do?
What does the gear icon on the prospect list allow you to do?A . CopyB . AssignC . DeleteD . EditView AnswerAnswer: B, C, D Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation, the actions that can be done with the gear icon on the prospect list are: B) Assign, C) Delete,...
In which scenario would a prospect be able to receive the emails in the program?
LenoxSoft has an engagement studio program within a recipient list and a suppression list. A prospect is a member of both the recipient list and the suppression list. In which scenario would a prospect be able to receive the emails in the program?A . The prospect is marked as optad...
Form or Form Handler? I want to integrate with a third-party system.
Form or Form Handler? I want to integrate with a third-party system.A . FormB . Form HandlerView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Form handlers are the best option if you want to integrate with a third-party system, such as a payment gateway, a survey tool, or a webinar platform. Form handlers allow...
There are absolutely no restrictions on how you assign custom users abilities.
There are absolutely no restrictions on how you assign custom users abilities.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation, the answer is false. There are some restrictions on how you assign custom users abilities. A custom user is a user who has a custom role...
Which asset needs to be created first m order for a user to send a prospect a one-to-one email?
Which asset needs to be created first m order for a user to send a prospect a one-to-one email?A . AutoresponderB . Engagement studio program emailC . Email templateD . List emailView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation, the asset that needs to be created first in order...
What happens to wait when a user paused an engagement studio and the prospect still has time remaining on the wait period.
What happens to wait when a user paused an engagement studio and the prospect still has time remaining on the wait period.A . The wait time is paused and the prospect will finish the remaining wait time when the program resumes and process to next step.B . The wait time...
New feature alerts can be found at the top of the dashboard.
New feature alerts can be found at the top of the dashboard.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation, the answer is true. New feature alerts can be found at the top of the dashboard. A new feature alert is a notification that informs the...
Administrators can reset passwords for users
Administrators can reset passwords for usersA . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation, the answer is true. Administrators can reset passwords for users. An administrator is a user who has the highest level of permissions and access in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, and who can...
Which feature should they use?
A Marketing Cloud Account Engagement administrator wants to gather a prospect's company name and Job title, but only once they have captured prospect's first name, last name and email address in a previous form submission. Which feature should they use?A . Progressive ProfilingB . Always display even if previously completedC...
What is the first step the user must take In order to make this change?
A user needs to change which email template is used in a running engagement program. What is the first step the user must take In order to make this change?A . Copy the original Engagement ProgramB . Change the wait time for the templateC . Delete the old sent emailD...