What class assists in creating an instance for SearchCriteriaInterface?
MagentoSalesModelApiOrderRepositoryInterface::getList accepts a SearchCriteriaInterface to filter and sort information. What class assists in creating an instance for SearchCriteriaInterface?A . MagentoFrameworkApiSearchCriteriaFactoryB . MagentoFrameworkApiSearchCriteriaBuilderC . MagentoSalesModelOrderSearchCriteriaD . MagentoBackendApiSearchCriteriaGeneratorView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Reference: https://github.com/magento/magento2/blob/2.3/lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Api/ SearchCriteriaInterface.php
How will this block be rendered?
You are adding a child node to the product.info block using the XML: How will this block be rendered?A . Child block nodes are automatically rendered as HTMLB . By calling $block->getChildHtml(‘mynewblock’) in the parent block’s templateC . The layout is invalid since block elements cannot be nestedD . Automatically...
What two elements automatically render their children?
You are developing a module MyCompany_StoreInfo to display information about brick and mortar stores on a frontend page. The displayed information varies based on the country of a given store. What two elements automatically render their children? (Choose two.)A . <block class=”MagentoFrameworkViewElementAbstractBlock” name=”shop.info.details”/>B . <block class=”MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate” name=”shop.info.details”/>C . <container name=”shop.info.details”/>D...
What will be the result of calling the save() method on a collection instance?
What will be the result of calling the save() method on a collection instance?A . It will save all items with one INSERT … ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE queryB . It will loop over all items and call save () on each oneC . It will save the select query...
How do you name the file containing the action controller class so the admin router matches the path to the class?
The module MyCompany_MyModule will add a new page to the admin interface at the URL path admin/ mycompany/entity_grid. How do you name the file containing the action controller class so the admin router matches the path to the class?A . Controller/Adminhtml/Entity/Grid/Index.phpB . Controller/Adminhtml/Mycompany/Entity/Grid.phpC . Controller/Adminhtml/Entity/Grid.phpD . Controller/Adminhtml/Mycompany/Entity_Grid.phpView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation:...
What is the consequence of the attribute showInStore being set to 0?
During a code review of a module MyCompany_PaymentCurrencies you see a configuration field declared in the file etc/adminhtml/system.xml: What is the consequence of the attribute showInStore being set to 0?A . The field value will not be accessible on the store front by calling ScopeConfigInterface::getValue() with a $scopeType argument of...
What is the connection between product attribute sets and categories?
What is the connection between product attribute sets and categories?A . Categories have no connection to product attribute sets, and any product can be assigned to any categoryB . Each category is linked to a single product attribute set, and only products from that attribute set are allowed in the...
Which two actions do you take to make sure the newsletter is sent?
A module you are working on needs to send a newsletter to all subscribed customers at predefined intervals. Which two actions do you take to make sure the newsletter is sent? (Choose two.)A . Implement MyCompanyMyModuleCronNewsLetterSender::executeand register it in etc/crontab/di.xmlB . Implement MyCompanyMyModuleCronNewsLetterSender::executeand register it in etc/crontab/.xmlC . Make sure...
How do you pass an array [‘one’, ‘two] as a parameter to you block using the layout XML arguments directive?
How do you pass an array [‘one’, ‘two] as a parameter to you block using the layout XML arguments directive? A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/frontend-dev-guide/layouts/xml-instructions.html
How do you do that?
You are developing a module and need to add another column to a table introduced by another module MyCompany_MyModulevia db schema. How do you do that?A . Create a etc/db_schema.xml file in your module, add the column and run bin/magentosetup:upgradeB . Create a etc/db.xml file in your module, add the...