What phase of the integrative process gives the team the greatest chance of success in meeting the project's environmental goals cost-effectively?
What phase of the integrative process gives the team the greatest chance of success in meeting the project's environmental goals cost-effectively?A . DesignB . DiscoveryC . OperationsD . ConstructionView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Discovery The discovery phase of the integrative process gives the team the greatest chance of success in meeting...
Energy Performance, what option is used?
A design team is working on a hospital project. In order to meet the Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite, Minimum Energy Performance, what option is used?A . Whole building simulationB . EPA target finder rating toolC . Green-e EnergyD . Advanced building core performance guideView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: The Whole Building...
Which of the following groups of documents is most likely to support both Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Thermal Comfort, and Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Interior Lighting, Option 1. Lighting Control?
Which of the following groups of documents is most likely to support both Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Thermal Comfort, and Indoor Environmental Quality Credit, Interior Lighting, Option 1. Lighting Control?A . Architectural floor plans, mechanical plans, lighting plansB . Photometric plans, mechanical schedules, lamp specificationsC . Lighting plans, surveys of...
What percentage of a building's surface area may be excluded from the calculation for Materials and Resources Credit, Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction, Option 2. Renovation of Abandoned or Blighted Buildings because of deterioration or damage when maintaining existing building structure, enclosure and interior structural elements?
What percentage of a building's surface area may be excluded from the calculation for Materials and Resources Credit, Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction, Option 2. Renovation of Abandoned or Blighted Buildings because of deterioration or damage when maintaining existing building structure, enclosure and interior structural elements?A . 5%B . 10%C ....
Which federal agency designates Federal Renewal Community sites, which can be considered High Priority Sites for project development?
Which federal agency designates Federal Renewal Community sites, which can be considered High Priority Sites for project development?A . U.S. Internal Revenue ServiceB . U.S. Department of AgricultureC . U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyD . U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: According to the LEED v4: Building...
Discussing the project goals to help identify the credits and options that the team should attempt is an example of
Discussing the project goals to help identify the credits and options that the team should attempt is an example ofA . documenting LEED creditsB . creating the Basis of Design (BOD)C . developing the LEED ScorecardD . implementing the Commissioning (Cx) PlanView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Discussing the project goals to...
In a large industrial or commercial building, which energy end uses are classified as systems composed of discrete pieces of equipment that can be metered together for the purposes of Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Advanced Energy Metering?
In a large industrial or commercial building, which energy end uses are classified as systems composed of discrete pieces of equipment that can be metered together for the purposes of Energy and Atmosphere Credit, Advanced Energy Metering?A . HVAC air system for air conditioningB . Electrical lighting system during peak...
At the time of registering a project in LEED Online, Regional Priority credits are determined based upon the project's
At the time of registering a project in LEED Online, Regional Priority credits are determined based upon the project'sA . environmental zoneB . longitude and latitudeC . ASHRAE 90.1 - 2010 climate zoneD . Environmental Protection Agency Phase I AssessmentView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: At the time of registering a project...
Which of the following actions should be the project team's top priority in order to demonstrate the minimum requirements to achieve Materials and Resources Prerequisite, Storage and Collection of Recyclables?
Based on the results of a six-hour waste stream study, the project team for a retail project plans to provide dedicated areas for four easily recyclable waste streams: cardboard, plastic, metal and paper. The project is open to the public 10 hours a day, six days a week. Which of...
This strategy is an example of applying which of the following credits to the project?
During the early stages of a LEED for Schools project, the team was able to reduce the number of lighting fixtures in classrooms by 25% because the project team selected paint color whose light reflectance value was 75% instead of the initially proposed 64% value. This strategy is an example...