Which of the following is the character that allows the computer to verify whether a product code is entered correctly?

Which of the following is the character that allows the computer to verify whether a product code is entered correctly?A . 3-digit prefixB . Check digitC . Radio frequency identificationD . BarcodeView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Many codes have integrated check digits. These are additional numbers or characters added to codes...

March 4, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

L-shape layout

L-shape layoutA . 1 and 2 onlyB . 3 and 4 onlyC . 1 and 3 onlyD . 2 and 3 onlyView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: In a traditional warehouse, storage racks are arranged to create parallel picking aisles, perhaps with one or more cross aisles to allow workers to move...

March 3, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which one of the following statements is true about radio frequency identification (RFID)?

Which one of the following statements is true about radio frequency identification (RFID)?A . RFID tags require laser scanning.B . A passive RFID tag does not use an antennaC . An active RFID tag does not require a power sourceD . Normally passive RFID tags store ID numbersView AnswerAnswer: D...

March 2, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

MRP system is the most suitable IT system to manage which type of items?

MRP system is the most suitable IT system to manage which type of items?A . Dependent demandB . Construction projectsC . Independent demandD . Fast moving componentsView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Material requirement planning (MRP) is a production planning and material (inventory) control system used in manufacturing. Objectives of MRP are...

March 1, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which one of the following statements is true about radio frequency identification (RFID)?

Which one of the following statements is true about radio frequency identification (RFID)?A . RFID tags require laser scanning.B . A passive RFID tag does not use an antennaC . An active RFID tag does not require a power sourceD . Normally passive RFID tags store ID numbersView AnswerAnswer: D...

February 28, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following are typical costs the manufacturer may incur in 'out of stock' event?

A manufacturer is making a plan for strategic safety stock. To do so, they must analyse the probability of a stock out occurring and the cost impacts if it does. Which of the following are typical costs the manufacturer may incur in 'out of stock' event? Select TWO that apply.A...

February 23, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following are main objectives of warehouse operations? Select TWO that apply.

Which of the following are main objectives of warehouse operations? Select TWO that apply.A . To ensure stock available when customers demandB . To create sufficient space for redundant stockC . To minimise stock loss and deteriorationD . To generate check digits for a product codeE . To maintain the...

February 23, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the holding cost of this beer pallet?

A supermarket calculates that the average holding cost for an item is $1.50 per cubic meter per day. A beer pallet which has volume of 0.5 cubic meter will be stored for 5 days. What is the holding cost of this beer pallet?A . $4.00B . $4.50C . $4.25D ....

February 22, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following best describe the function of MRP?

Which of the following best describe the function of MRP?A . Planning and controlling of production and financeB . Planning and monitoring of inventory resourcesC . Planning and monitoring of production resources onlyD . Planning and controlling of production and inventoryView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Material requirement planning (MRP) is a...

February 22, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Among different types of costs associated with inventory, the opportunity cost of the investment tied up in inventory belongs to which of the following?

Among different types of costs associated with inventory, the opportunity cost of the investment tied up in inventory belongs to which of the following?A . Acquisition costsB . Purchase priceC . Holding costsD . Costs of stockoutsView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Direct and indirect costs of holding inventory include the following:...

February 20, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +