Which of the following correctly describe the process undertaken by IKEA project team?
Facing fiercer competition at home and abroad, IKEA, the leading furniture retailer, needs to im-prove its competitiveness. In order to do this, IKEA must decrease operating costs and improve quality of current and new retail stores. The company establishes a project team. The job of the team is to collect...
Why should the buying organisation require the supplier to carry out acceptance testing?
Why should the buying organisation require the supplier to carry out acceptance testing?A . To get the approval from the senior management B. To check whether the product matches the specification C. To compare between the account payables and account receivables D. To see whether the supplier engages in unethical...
Information security
Information security 2 and 4 onlyA . 1 and 2 only B. 2 and 3 only C. 3 and 4 onlyView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: ISO 14001:2015 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system that an or-ganization can use to enhance its environmental performance. ISO 14001:2015 is intended for use...
This arrangement is known as...?
A procurement manager is discussing with other stakeholders about the scope and the implementation of the upcoming construction project. A stakeholder argues that the construction projects are often risky as the overall scope of the work can't be accurately estimated from the beginning. Furthermore, the project spans over a long...
When should procurement professional tolerate a risk?
When should procurement professional tolerate a risk?A . When the risk may disrupt the production B. When the risk imposes an existential threat C. When the risk causes some trivial annoyance D. When the risk breaks the relationship with the strategic supplierView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Risk control is the process...
Which of the following is a tool to define roles and responsibilities of a project team?
Which of the following is a tool to define roles and responsibilities of a project team?A . RACI Matrix B. Monte Carlo model C. STEEPLE Analysis D. SCAMPER MethodView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: A responsibility assignment matrix [1] (RAM), also known as RACI matrix[2] (/resi/) or linear responsibility chart[3] (LRC), describes...
How many products does the company have to sell to achieve break-even point?
Company A sells a product for $100. The total unit variable costs are $60. Fixed costs as in its ac-count are $20,000. How many products does the company have to sell to achieve break-even point?A . 600 B. 550 C. 400 D. 500View AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Break even point =...
What is the output of regression analysis?
What is the output of regression analysis?A . Forecasting process B. Dependent variables C. Line of best fit D. Independent variablesView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Regression refers to a quantitative measure of the relationship between one or more independent variables and a resulting dependent variable. Regression is of use to professionals...
Which of the following best describe the procurement manager's suggestion?
A hospital extensively spends on medical and implantable devices, medical, surgical and pharma-ceutical supplies, costs of supplies related to buildings and maintenance operations. Hospital’s procurement manager suggests that the hospital has an opportunity to reduce operational costs by reducing variation of medical devices and pharmaceutical supplies. Which of the following...
Why should procurement professionals develop business case before seeking approval to purchase capital equipment?
Why should procurement professionals develop business case before seeking approval to purchase capital equipment?A . Using business case will prevent new entrants from entering the supply market B. A business case can be used as a replacement of purchase order C. Business case is a tool that eliminates all risks...