In this scenario, which command will provide the information that you need?

You are asked to gather interface information from a Junos device. Your environment supports the JSON format. To determine how interface information is represented, you decide to view all of the configured interface key-value pairs in the current Junos candidate configuration. In this scenario, which command will provide the information...

December 21, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two statements about Junos PyEZ RPC(s) are correct? (Choose two.)

Which two statements about Junos PyEZ RPC(s) are correct? (Choose two.)A . PyEZ RPCs return XML dataB . PyEZ RPCs can be used to view only the interface configurationC . PyEZ RPCs can be used to view the active device configurationD . PyEZ RPCs return CSV dataView AnswerAnswer: AC

December 21, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Ansible playbooks are written in which format?

Ansible playbooks are written in which format?A . YAMLB . PythonC . XMLD . JSONView AnswerAnswer: A

December 21, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which development model is the classic approach to software development?

Which development model is the classic approach to software development?A . Waterfall B. Scrum C. Kanban D. LeanView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation:

September 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Referring to the exhibit, which two statements are correct?

Exhibit. Referring to the exhibit, which two statements are correct? (Choose two)A . The Junos configuration database is automatically locked and unlocked. B. The connection to the Junos device is explicitly opened and closed C. The connection to the Junos device is automatically opened and closed D. The Junos configuration...

September 13, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which type of data is contained in the key of the JSON object shown in the exhibit?

Which type of data is contained in the key of the JSON object shown in the exhibit?A . string B. name C. integer D. interfaceView AnswerAnswer: D

September 13, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Referring to the exhibit, what is the function of the register key?

Exhibit. Referring to the exhibit, what is the function of the register key?A . to set an input value for the juniper_junos_rpc module B. to configure a global setting for the playbook C. to define a variable containing the return value from the module D. to print a result to...

September 13, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Junos PyEZ is a microframework used to operate the Junos OS using which language?

Junos PyEZ is a microframework used to operate the Junos OS using which language?A . Puppet B. Chef C. Python D. RubyView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Explanation Reference:­pyezoverview.html#:~:text=Junos%20PyEZ%20is%20a%20microframework,operating%20 system%20(Junos% 20OS).

September 13, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What are two popular methods of data serialization? (Choose two.)

What are two popular methods of data serialization? (Choose two.)A . Python B. JSON C. SLAX D. YAMLView AnswerAnswer: A,D Explanation: Reference:

September 12, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

In this scenario, which command will provide the information that you need?

You are asked to gather interface information from a Junos device. Your environment supports the JSON format. To determine how interface information is represented, you decide to view all of the configured interface key-value pairs in the current Junos candidate configuration. In this scenario, which command will provide the information...

September 12, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +