In a production environment, what peer items require on-going monitoring?

In a production environment, what peer items require on-going monitoring?A . Only the orderer service since it manages the ordering of transactions.B . Only the chaincode containers since they handle the business logic.C . All peer containers, including their CPU, network, and memory.D . Only the peer nodes that are...

September 8, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

An enterprise blockchain is a permission blockchain node distributed to whom?

An enterprise blockchain is a permission blockchain node distributed to whom?A . Administration data centerB . Nodes distributed with a validatorC . Member organizationsD . Nodes distributed on a public BlockchainView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: In Hyperledger Fabric, the enterprise blockchain is a permissioned network where nodes are distributed among the...

September 5, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following transactions is inter-contract communication whose functionality is limited?

A smart contract can call other smart contracts both within the same channel and across different channels . Which of the following transactions is inter-contract communication whose functionality is limited?A . Chaincode X calls Getstate in Chaincode Y on the same channel.B . Chaincode X calls Putstate in Chaincode Y...

September 5, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

When building a test network, how many nodes are adequate for an Ordering Service?

When building a test network, how many nodes are adequate for an Ordering Service?A . There is no set number of nodes required for an Ordering Service.B . Three ordering nodes are needed for a test Ordering Service.C . One ordering nodes is sufficient for an Ordering Service.D . Ordering...

September 5, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What do we call the ordering nodes actively participating in the consensus mechanism for a given channel and receiving replicated logs for the channel?

What do we call the ordering nodes actively participating in the consensus mechanism for a given channel and receiving replicated logs for the channel?A . Committer setB . Consenter setC . PeersD . EndorsersView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: In Hyperledger Fabric, the ordering nodes that are actively participating in the consensus...

September 4, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which subcommand adds a peer to a channel in Hyperledger Fabric?

Which subcommand adds a peer to a channel in Hyperledger Fabric?A . peer channel fetchB . peer channel creaceC . peer channel updaceD . peer channel joinView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: In Hyperledger Fabric, the correct subcommand to add a peer to a channel is peer channel join. This command is...

September 4, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Regarding peer lifecycle chaincode, which of the following is the incorrect (unsupported) subcommand for query?

Regarding peer lifecycle chaincode, which of the following is the incorrect (unsupported) subcommand for query?A . peer lifecycle chaincode querypackagedB . peer lifecycle chaincode querycommittedC . peer lifecycle chaincode queryapprovedD . peer lifecycle chaincode queryinstalledView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: The correct subcommands for querying in the peer lifecycle chaincode are queryinstalled,...

September 2, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +