What is the abbreviation of the conditional random field algorithm?
What is the abbreviation of the conditional random field algorithm?A . SVMB . CRFC . HMMD . GMMView AnswerAnswer: B
In the NNLM model, what is the activation function used in the network output layer?
In the NNLM model, what is the activation function used in the network output layer?A . TanhB . SoftmaxC . ReLUD . SigmoidView AnswerAnswer: B
When using ModelArts automatic learning to build a predictive analysis project, if the label column is enumerated data, which of the following is the label column data type and the model type to be trained?
When using ModelArts automatic learning to build a predictive analysis project, if the label column is enumerated data, which of the following is the label column data type and the model type to be trained?A . Continuous Values and Regression ModelsB . Discrete Values and Regression ModelsC . Continuous Numerical...
What is the unique gate structure of GRU?
What is the unique gate structure of GRU?A . Input GateB . Output GateC . Forget GateD . Update GateView AnswerAnswer: D
Which of the following options does not belong to the three elements of the Markov model?
Which of the following options does not belong to the three elements of the Markov model?A . State CollectionB . Observation ProbabilityC . Transition ProbabilityD . Initial ProbabilityView AnswerAnswer: A
Which of the following design specifications does Huawei Cloud API comply with?
Which of the following design specifications does Huawei Cloud API comply with?A . RestfulB . P8EPC . ProgrammingD . PEP8View AnswerAnswer: A
In the Hidden Markov Model, which of the following options can be calculated using the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)?
In the Hidden Markov Model, which of the following options can be calculated using the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)?A . Language ProbabilityB . Transition ProbabilityC . Observation ProbabilityD . Initial ProbabilityView AnswerAnswer: C
Which of the following options does not belong to the gate of the LSTM cell?
Which of the following options does not belong to the gate of the LSTM cell?A . Forget GateB . Output GateC . Memory GateD . Input GateView AnswerAnswer: C
Which of the following is not a speech feature extraction method?
Which of the following is not a speech feature extraction method?A . MFCCB . LPCC . LPCCD . SVMView AnswerAnswer: D
Which of the following is not an application of hidden Markov model in speech recognition?
Which of the following is not an application of hidden Markov model in speech recognition?A . Calculate the output sequenceB . Use the BW algorithm to find the optimal solutionC . Phonemes and words combined according to the best sequenceD . Form words and sentences based on labelsView AnswerAnswer: D