Which of the following is correct for terminal Wi-Fi push order?
Which of the following is correct for terminal Wi-Fi push order? A . 1-2-3-4B . 4-2-3-1C . 3-2-1-4D . 2-3-1-4View AnswerAnswer: C
The traditional network single strategy is difficult to deal with complex situations such as diverse users, diversified locations, diversified terminals, diversified applications and inexperienced experiences.
The traditional network single strategy is difficult to deal with complex situations such as diverse users, diversified locations, diversified terminals, diversified applications and inexperienced experiences.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A
When deploy wired 802.1X authentication, if the admission control device is deployed at the convergence layer, this deployment method has features such as high security performance, multiple management devices and complicated management.
When deploy wired 802.1X authentication, if the admission control device is deployed at the convergence layer, this deployment method has features such as high security performance, multiple management devices and complicated management.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B
Which of the following options is correct for PKI process sequence?
Which of the following options is correct for PKI process sequence? A . 1-3-5-4-2-6-7-8B . 1-3-5-6-7-4-8-2C . 1-3-2-7-6-4-5-8D . 1-3-2-4-8-6-5-7View AnswerAnswer: D
The administrator issues notices to users through the form of announcements, such as the latest software and patch installation notices, etc. Which of the following options is wrong?
The administrator issues notices to users through the form of announcements, such as the latest software and patch installation notices, etc. Which of the following options is wrong?A . You can issue an announcement by department.B . The endpoint must have proxy client installed to receive announcements.C . If the...
Which of the following correct for MAC authentication and MAC bypass authentication? (Multiple choices)
Which of the following correct for MAC authentication and MAC bypass authentication? (Multiple choices)A . MAC authentication is an authentication method that controls the user's network access rights based on the interface and MAC address. It does not require the user to install any client software.B . MAC bypass authentication...
In WIDS-enabled WLAN network, which of the following statements is correct regarding the determination of illegal devices?
In WIDS-enabled WLAN network, which of the following statements is correct regarding the determination of illegal devices?A . All Ad-hoc devices will be directly identified as illegal devicesB . AP that are not connected to this AC are illegal APC . STA that are not connected to this AC are...
After the user passes the authentication, the right authority can't be obtained immediately. How to solve the problem?
In agile network, before the user is authenticated, users may need to access servers such as DNS, DHCP and Portal. When the traffic from the user access the server pass through the firewall, the firewall queries the Agile controller-campus server for the agile security group information corresponding to the traffic....