What is the required class definition for the event observer?
You have configured an event observer to watch the checkout_submit_all_after event using this XML: What is the required class definition for the event observer? A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: B
What scopes are available for customer attributes?
What scopes are available for customer attributes?A . Global onlyB . Website onlyC . Global and WebsiteD . Global, Website and StoreView AnswerAnswer: A
Which architectural pattern makes it possible?
Magento allows you to specify custom values per store for product attributes created in the admin panel. Which architectural pattern makes it possible?A . Store ManagerB . Extension AttributeC . Entity Attribute ValueD . Dependency InjectionView AnswerAnswer: C
How do you add a new link into the My Account sidebar?
How do you add a new link into the My Account sidebar?A . By creating a new UI componentB . By creating a child of the My Account UI componentC . By adding the new section into the customer_account table in the databaseD . By using a layout updateView AnswerAnswer:...
What is a consequence of this setup?
A third-party module uses a layout update that changes the template path for a core block from product/view/addto/compare.phtml of the Magento_Catalog module to custom/view/addto/compare.phtml of your custom module. The merchant has a customized version of this template in their custom theme. What is a consequence of this setup?A . If...
Where do you change the frontName for the admin router?
Where do you change the frontName for the admin router?A . app/etc/config.xmlB . app/etc/env.phpC . app/etc/local.xmlD . composer.jsonView AnswerAnswer: B
What can you determine from this directory’s name?
You are reviewing a Magento module and see a directory named Service. What can you determine from this directory’s name?A . It is where the API response cache is storedB . It is where API-related configuration residesC . It is where the module’s service contracts are storedD . You need...
Where do you define the class that provides options for the select field that enables or disables the provider in the file etc/adminhtml/system.xml?
A Magento industry partner shipping provider has tasked you to build their integration module called MyCompany_ShippingProvider. Where do you define the class that provides options for the select field that enables or disables the provider in the file etc/adminhtml/system.xml?A . <option_model>MagentoConfigModelConfigOptionYesno</option_model>B . <source_model>MagentoConfigModelConfigSourceYesno</source_model>C . <frontend_model>MagentoConfigModelConfigFrontendYesno</frontend_model>D . <backend_model>MagentoConfigModelConfigBackendYesno</backend_model>View AnswerAnswer: B
How is this accomplished?
A custom module must make changes to the schema following each setup:upgrade run. This must be done after all other module’s schema updates have been applied. How is this accomplished?A . Write a plugin intercepting MagentoSetupModelInstaller::handleDBSchemaDataB . Create an UpgradeSchemaAfter class which implements InstallSchemaInterfaceC . Update the module’s setup_priority in...
What is causing this?
You are debugging a problem resulting from a recently deployed around plugin. The plugin is intercepting the doSomething method. The aroundDoSomething plugin method is called successfully, but the original doSomething method is no longer being executed as expected. What is causing this?A . The sort order of the plugin is...