Which of the following approaches can enable the data engineering team to be notified if the ELT job has not been run in an hour?

A data engineer is using a Databricks SQL query to monitor the performance of an ELT job. The ELT job is triggered by a specific number of input records being ready to process. The Databricks SQL query returns the number of minutes since the job’s most recent runtime. Which of...

February 24, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following developer operations in the CI/CD can only be implemented through a GIT provider when using Databricks Repos.

Which of the following developer operations in the CI/CD can only be implemented through a GIT provider when using Databricks Repos.A . Trigger Databricks Repos pull API to update the latest version B. Commit and push code C. Create and edit code D. Create a new branch E. Pull request...

February 24, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

You have written a notebook to generate a summary data set for reporting, Notebook was scheduled using the job cluster, but you realized it takes an average of 8 minutes to start the cluster, what feature can be used to start the cluster in a timely fashion?

You have written a notebook to generate a summary data set for reporting, Notebook was scheduled using the job cluster, but you realized it takes an average of 8 minutes to start the cluster, what feature can be used to start the cluster in a timely fashion?A . Setup an...

February 24, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

If you create a database sample_db with the statement CREATE DATABASE sample_db what will be the default location of the database in DBFS?

If you create a database sample_db with the statement CREATE DATABASE sample_db what will be the default location of the database in DBFS?A . Default location, DBFS:/user/ B. Default location, /user/db/ C. Default Storage account D. Statement fails “Unable to create database without location” E. Default Location, dbfs:/user/hive/warehouseView AnswerAnswer: E...

February 24, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.

You noticed that colleague is manually copying the notebook with _bkp to store the previous versions, which of the following feature would you recommend instead.A . Databricks notebooks support change tracking and versioning B. Databricks notebooks should be copied to a local machine and setup source control locally to version...

February 24, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following method can be used to ingest the data incrementally?

You are currently working to ingest millions of files that get uploaded to the cloud object storage for consumption, and you are asked to build a process to ingest this data, the schema of the file is expected to change over time, and the ingestion process should be able to...

February 24, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following SQL statements can be used to update a transactions table, to set a flag on the table from Y to N

Which of the following SQL statements can be used to update a transactions table, to set a flag on the table from Y to NA . MODIFY transactions SET active_flag = 'N' WHERE active_flag = 'Y' B. MERGE transactions SET active_flag = 'N' WHERE active_flag = 'Y' C. UPDATE transactions...

February 23, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What could be the expected output of query SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT *) FROM user on this table

What could be the expected output of query SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT *) FROM user on this table A . 3 B. 2 (Correct) C. 1 D. 0 E. NULLView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The answer is 2, Count (DISTINCT *) removes rows with any column with a NULL value

February 23, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +


table(table_name))A . format, checkpointlocation, schemalocation, overwrite B. cloudfiles.format, checkpointlocation, cloudfiles.schemalocation, overwrite C. cloudfiles.format, cloudfiles.schemalocation, checkpointlocation, mergeSchema D. cloudfiles.format, cloudfiles.schemalocation, checkpointlocation, overwrite E. cloudfiles.format, cloudfiles.schemalocation, checkpointlocation, appendView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: The answer is cloudfiles.format, cloudfiles.schemalocation, checkpointlocation, mergeSchema. Here is the end to end syntax of streaming ELT, below link contains complete...

February 23, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +