While using an airport hotspot with this security solution, to what type of wireless attack is a user susceptible?
Many computer users connect to the Internet at airports, which often have 802.11n access points with a captive portal for authentication. While using an airport hotspot with this security solution, to what type of wireless attack is a user susceptible?A . Wi-Fi phishingB . Management interface exploitsC . UDP port...
Because each AP is managed directly through a web-based interface, what must be changed on every AP before enabling the WLANs to ensure proper staging procedures are followed?
You must implement 7 APs for a branch office location in your organizations. All APs will be autonomous and provide the same two SSIDs (CORP1879 and Guest). Because each AP is managed directly through a web-based interface, what must be changed on every AP before enabling the WLANs to ensure...