access, which protocol is being used?
If a performance test is testing the response time of an application to be connected through remote access, which protocol is being used?A . MMS.B . RTE.C . WSCL.D . LDAP.View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: RTE (Remote Terminal Emulation) protocol is used when testing the response time of an application connected...
Choose the ONE option that describes the example of a transaction. The scenario for this question is the transfer of an amount of money from one bank account to another.
Choose the ONE option that describes the example of a transaction. The scenario for this question is the transfer of an amount of money from one bank account to another.A . Request transfer of X Monetary Units from account K to account P; reduce the balance of account K by...
Choose the VALID description of the ramp-up concept.
Choose the VALID description of the ramp-up concept.A . Stage of reaching the stationary state.B . Stage of finishing the test.C . Stage of exit from a stationary state by increasing the number of concurrent users.D . Technique in which the load on the system is increased to a certain...
Choose the VALID description of the ramp-up concept.
Choose the VALID description of the ramp-up concept.A . Stage of reaching the stationary state.B . Stage of finishing the test.C . Stage of exit from a stationary state by increasing the number of concurrent users.D . Technique in which the load on the system is increased to a certain...
Choose the ONE option that describes the example of a transaction. The scenario for this question is the transfer of an amount of money from one bank account to another.
Choose the ONE option that describes the example of a transaction. The scenario for this question is the transfer of an amount of money from one bank account to another.A . Request transfer of X Monetary Units from account K to account P; reduce the balance of account K by...
access, which protocol is being used?
If a performance test is testing the response time of an application to be connected through remote access, which protocol is being used?A . MMS.B . RTE.C . WSCL.D . LDAP.View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: RTE (Remote Terminal Emulation) protocol is used when testing the response time of an application connected...
access, which protocol is being used?
If a performance test is testing the response time of an application to be connected through remote access, which protocol is being used?A . MMS.B . RTE.C . WSCL.D . LDAP.View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: RTE (Remote Terminal Emulation) protocol is used when testing the response time of an application connected...
access, which protocol is being used?
If a performance test is testing the response time of an application to be connected through remote access, which protocol is being used?A . MMS.B . RTE.C . WSCL.D . LDAP.View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: RTE (Remote Terminal Emulation) protocol is used when testing the response time of an application connected...
Choose the VALID description of the ramp-up concept.
Choose the VALID description of the ramp-up concept.A . Stage of reaching the stationary state.B . Stage of finishing the test.C . Stage of exit from a stationary state by increasing the number of concurrent users.D . Technique in which the load on the system is increased to a certain...
Choose the ONE option that describes the example of a transaction. The scenario for this question is the transfer of an amount of money from one bank account to another.
Choose the ONE option that describes the example of a transaction. The scenario for this question is the transfer of an amount of money from one bank account to another.A . Request transfer of X Monetary Units from account K to account P; reduce the balance of account K by...