In healthcare, many terms call for more precise operational definitions that how do an organization define the terms such as:
In healthcare, many terms call for more precise operational definitions that how do an organization define the terms such as:A . Qui turnaround time B. An accurate environmental compliance C. A patient fall (a partial fall, a fall with injuries, or an assisted fall) D. Surgical end timeView AnswerAnswer: A,...
Joseph juran defined quality as consisting of two different but related concepts. The first form of quality is income oriented and includes features of t he product t hat meet customer needs and thereby produce income (i.e., higher quality costs more).
Joseph juran defined quality as consisting of two different but related concepts. The first form of quality is income oriented and includes features of t he product t hat meet customer needs and thereby produce income (i.e., higher quality costs more). The second form of quality is cost oriented and...
“Likelihood of desired health outcomes” corresponds to clinicians’ view that, with respect to outcomes, there are only probabilities, not certainties, owing to factors-such as patients’ genetically determined physiological reliance-that influence:
“Likelihood of desired health outcomes” corresponds to clinicians’ view that, with respect to outcomes, there are only probabilities, not certainties, owing to factors-such as patients’ genetically determined physiological reliance-that influence:A . The primary concerns of patients B. Outcomes of care and yet are beyond clinicians’ control C. Outcomes of care...
Efficiency refers how well resources are used in achieving a given result. Efficiency whenever the resources used to produce a given output are _____________.
Efficiency refers how well resources are used in achieving a given result. Efficiency whenever the resources used to produce a given output are _____________.A . Reduces, reduced B. Increases, increased C. Improves, reduced D. It is truly situation dependentView AnswerAnswer: A
During improvement in healthcare system, because of a combination of technical complexity, system fragmentation, a tradition of autonomy, and hierarchical authority structures, overcoming the “daunting barrier to creating the habits and beliefs of common purpose, teamwork and individual accountability” necessary for spread and sustainability will require:
During improvement in healthcare system, because of a combination of technical complexity, system fragmentation, a tradition of autonomy, and hierarchical authority structures, overcoming the “daunting barrier to creating the habits and beliefs of common purpose, teamwork and individual accountability” necessary for spread and sustainability will require:A . Continual focus B....
__________ is a term applied when the proper clinical car process is not executed appropriately, such as giving the wrong drug to a patient or incorrectly administering the correct drug.
__________ is a term applied when the proper clinical car process is not executed appropriately, such as giving the wrong drug to a patient or incorrectly administering the correct drug.A . Underuse B. Overuse C. Misuse D. Illegal useView AnswerAnswer: C
The concept of cost-effectiveness in Healthcare delivery means:
The concept of cost-effectiveness in Healthcare delivery means:A . A proportionately justified improvement in health status of patient is obtained comparing to the cost incurred. B. Little improvement in Health status of patient is obtained at a very high cost C. Little improvement in Health status of patient is obtained...
Which of the following is/are NOT out of those attributes?
A number of attributes can characterize the quality of healthcare services. As, there are different groups involved in healthcare, such as physicians, patients and health insurers, tend to attach different levels of importance to particular attributes and as a result define quality care differently. Which of the following is/are NOT...
Baldrige’s scoring system is based on a __________point scale. Each of seven criteria is assigned maximum value ranging from 85 to 450 maximum points.
Baldrige’s scoring system is based on a __________point scale. Each of seven criteria is assigned maximum value ranging from 85 to 450 maximum points.A . 500 points B. 1000 point scale C. 2000 point scale D. 1500 point scaleView AnswerAnswer: B
Although Lean thinking focuses on removing waste and improving flow, it also has some secondary effects such as:
Although Lean thinking focuses on removing waste and improving flow, it also has some secondary effects such as:A . Quality is improved B. Simplification of processes results in less time in process C. Reduces the chances of damage D. All of theseView AnswerAnswer: D