Who is he?

He used his understanding of statistics to design tools to respond to variation. Following his arrival at Western Electric Co. in 1924, Shewhart introduced the concepts of common cause, special cause variation and statistical control. He designed these concepts to assist Bell Telephone of repairs within its transmission systems. Who...

February 5, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

All of the following are characteristics of probability sampling EXCEPT:

All of the following are characteristics of probability sampling EXCEPT:A . A specific statistical design is followedB . The selection of items from the population is determined solely according to known probabilities by means of a random mechanism, usually using a table of random digitsC . The sampling error (i.e.,...

February 2, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

______________ can be measured by how well evidence-based practices are followed, such as the percentage of time diabetic patients receive all recommended care at each doctor visit, the percentage of hospital-acquired infections, or the percentage of patients who develop pressure ulcers (bed sores) while in the nursing home.

______________ can be measured by how well evidence-based practices are followed, such as the percentage of time diabetic patients receive all recommended care at each doctor visit, the percentage of hospital-acquired infections, or the percentage of patients who develop pressure ulcers (bed sores) while in the nursing home.A . Safe...

January 30, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

In general, as the amounts spent on providing services for a particular condition grow, diminishing returns set in meaning that each unit of expenditure yield ever-smaller benefits until a point where ________________.

In general, as the amounts spent on providing services for a particular condition grow, diminishing returns set in meaning that each unit of expenditure yield ever-smaller benefits until a point where ________________.A . No additional benefits accrue from adding more careB . Additional benefits are too small to justify the...

January 30, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

During improvement in healthcare system, because of a combination of technical complexity, system fragmentation, a tradition of autonomy, and hierarchical authority structures, overcoming the “daunting barrier to creating the habits and beliefs of common purpose, teamwork and individual accountability” necessary for spread and sustainability will require:

During improvement in healthcare system, because of a combination of technical complexity, system fragmentation, a tradition of autonomy, and hierarchical authority structures, overcoming the “daunting barrier to creating the habits and beliefs of common purpose, teamwork and individual accountability” necessary for spread and sustainability will require:A . Continual focusB ....

January 28, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is NOT out of those categories?

The American Society for Quality has formed six categories of quality tools. Which of the following is NOT out of those categories?A . Cause AnalysisB . Evaluation and decision makingC . Process analysisD . Idea adoptionView AnswerAnswer: D

January 26, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Efficiency refers how well resources are used in achieving a given result. Efficiency whenever the resources used to produce a given output are _____________.

Efficiency refers how well resources are used in achieving a given result. Efficiency whenever the resources used to produce a given output are _____________.A . Reduces, reducedB . Increases, increasedC . Improves, reducedD . It is truly situation dependentView AnswerAnswer: A

January 24, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

The primary benefit of adopting a countrywide or global uniform set of discharge data is to:

The primary benefit of adopting a countrywide or global uniform set of discharge data is to:A . Facilitate computerization of data.B . Validate data being collected from other sources.C . Facilitate collection of comparable health information.D . Assist medical records personnel in collecting internal data.View AnswerAnswer: C

January 22, 2025 No Comments READ MORE +

Knowledge about _______ is crucial to making valid judgments about quality of care using either

Knowledge about _______ is crucial to making valid judgments about quality of care using either process or outcome measures. If we know that a given clinical intervention was undertaken in circumstances that match those, under which the intervention has been shown to be efficacious, we can be confident, that the...

September 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is NOT out of those dimensions?

Crossing the Quality Chasm provided a blueprint for the future that classified and unified the components of quality through six aims for improvement, chain of effects, and simple rules for redesign of healthcare. The six aims for improvement, viewed also six dimensions of quality. Which of the following is NOT...

September 14, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +