Which account__usage views are used to evaluate the details of dynamic data masking? (Select TWO)

Which account__usage views are used to evaluate the details of dynamic data masking? (Select TWO)A . ROLES B. POLICY_REFERENCES C. QUERY_HISTORY D. RESOURCE_MONIT ORS E. ACCESS_HISTORYView AnswerAnswer: B,C Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/security-column-ddm-intro.html#:~:text=DESCRIBE%20MASKING%20POLICY-,Auditing%20Dynamic%20Data%20Masking,a%20masking%20policy%20is%20set.

January 31, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Where would a Snowflake user find information about query activity from 90 days ago?

Where would a Snowflake user find information about query activity from 90 days ago?A . account__usage . query history view B. account__usage.query__history__archive View C. information__schema . cruery_history view D. information__schema - query history_by_ses s i on viewView AnswerAnswer: A

January 31, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which command is used to unload data from a Snowflake table into a file in a stage?

Which command is used to unload data from a Snowflake table into a file in a stage?A . COPY INTO B. GET C. WRITE D. EXTRACT INTOView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-unload-snowflake.html#:~:text=Your%20User%20Stage-,Use%20the%20COPY%20INTO%20command%20to%20unload%20all%20the,more%20files%20in%20your%20stage.

January 31, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

True or False: Loading data into Snowflake requires that source data files be no larger than 16MB.

True or False: Loading data into Snowflake requires that source data files be no larger than 16MB.A . True B. FalseView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: By default, COPY INTO location statements separate table data into a set of output files to take advantage of parallel operations. The maximum size for each...

January 31, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following objects can be shared through secure data sharing?

Which of the following objects can be shared through secure data sharing?A . Masking policy B. Stored procedure C. Task D. External tableView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Secure Data Sharing enables sharing selected objects in a database in your account with other Snowflake accounts. The following Snowflake database objects can be...

January 31, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

How long is Snowpipe data load history retained?

How long is Snowpipe data load history retained?A . As configured in the create pipe settings B. Until the pipe is dropped C. 64 days D. 14 daysView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Bulk data load Stored in the metadata of the target table for 64 days. Available upon completion of the...

January 30, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What are ways to create and manage data shares in Snowflake? (Select TWO)

What are ways to create and manage data shares in Snowflake? (Select TWO)A . Through the Snowflake web interface (Ul) B. Through the DATA_SHARE=TRUE parameter C. Through SQL commands D. Through the enable__share=true parameter E. Using the CREATE SHARE AS SELECT * TABLE commandView AnswerAnswer: C,D

January 30, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What feature can be used to reorganize a very large table on one or more columns?

What feature can be used to reorganize a very large table on one or more columns?A . Micro-partitions B. Clustering keys C. Key partitions D. Clustered partitionsView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/tables-clustering-keys.html

January 30, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following indicates that it may be appropriate to use a clustering key for a table? (Select TWO).

Which of the following indicates that it may be appropriate to use a clustering key for a table? (Select TWO).A . The table contains a column that has very low cardinality B. DML statements that are being issued against the table are blocked C. The table has a small number...

January 30, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What is a machine learning and data science partner within the Snowflake Partner Ecosystem?

What is a machine learning and data science partner within the Snowflake Partner Ecosystem?A . Informatica B. Power Bl C. Adobe D. Data RobotView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/ecosystem-analytics.html

January 30, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +