Which account__usage views are used to evaluate the details of dynamic data masking? (Select TWO)
Which account__usage views are used to evaluate the details of dynamic data masking? (Select TWO)A . ROLES B. POLICY_REFERENCES C. QUERY_HISTORY D. RESOURCE_MONIT ORS E. ACCESS_HISTORYView AnswerAnswer: B,C Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/security-column-ddm-intro.html#:~:text=DESCRIBE%20MASKING%20POLICY-,Auditing%20Dynamic%20Data%20Masking,a%20masking%20policy%20is%20set.
Where would a Snowflake user find information about query activity from 90 days ago?
Where would a Snowflake user find information about query activity from 90 days ago?A . account__usage . query history view B. account__usage.query__history__archive View C. information__schema . cruery_history view D. information__schema - query history_by_ses s i on viewView AnswerAnswer: A
Which command is used to unload data from a Snowflake table into a file in a stage?
Which command is used to unload data from a Snowflake table into a file in a stage?A . COPY INTO B. GET C. WRITE D. EXTRACT INTOView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-unload-snowflake.html#:~:text=Your%20User%20Stage-,Use%20the%20COPY%20INTO%20command%20to%20unload%20all%20the,more%20files%20in%20your%20stage.
True or False: Loading data into Snowflake requires that source data files be no larger than 16MB.
True or False: Loading data into Snowflake requires that source data files be no larger than 16MB.A . True B. FalseView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: By default, COPY INTO location statements separate table data into a set of output files to take advantage of parallel operations. The maximum size for each...
Which of the following objects can be shared through secure data sharing?
Which of the following objects can be shared through secure data sharing?A . Masking policy B. Stored procedure C. Task D. External tableView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Secure Data Sharing enables sharing selected objects in a database in your account with other Snowflake accounts. The following Snowflake database objects can be...
How long is Snowpipe data load history retained?
How long is Snowpipe data load history retained?A . As configured in the create pipe settings B. Until the pipe is dropped C. 64 days D. 14 daysView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Bulk data load Stored in the metadata of the target table for 64 days. Available upon completion of the...
What are ways to create and manage data shares in Snowflake? (Select TWO)
What are ways to create and manage data shares in Snowflake? (Select TWO)A . Through the Snowflake web interface (Ul) B. Through the DATA_SHARE=TRUE parameter C. Through SQL commands D. Through the enable__share=true parameter E. Using the CREATE SHARE AS SELECT * TABLE commandView AnswerAnswer: C,D
What feature can be used to reorganize a very large table on one or more columns?
What feature can be used to reorganize a very large table on one or more columns?A . Micro-partitions B. Clustering keys C. Key partitions D. Clustered partitionsView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/tables-clustering-keys.html
Which of the following indicates that it may be appropriate to use a clustering key for a table? (Select TWO).
Which of the following indicates that it may be appropriate to use a clustering key for a table? (Select TWO).A . The table contains a column that has very low cardinality B. DML statements that are being issued against the table are blocked C. The table has a small number...
What is a machine learning and data science partner within the Snowflake Partner Ecosystem?
What is a machine learning and data science partner within the Snowflake Partner Ecosystem?A . Informatica B. Power Bl C. Adobe D. Data RobotView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/ecosystem-analytics.html