Which service enables risk auditing by continuously monitoring and logging account activity, including user actions in the AWS Management Console and AWS SDKs?

Which service enables risk auditing by continuously monitoring and logging account activity, including user actions in the AWS Management Console and AWS SDKs?A . Amazon CloudWatchB . AWS CloudTrailC . AWS ConfigD . AWS HealthView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/cloudtrail/

October 28, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following can limit Amazon Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket access to specific users?

Which of the following can limit Amazon Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket access to specific users?A . A public and private key-pairB . Amazon InspectorC . AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policiesD . Security GroupsView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/how-to-restrict-amazon-s3-bucket-access-to-a-specific­iam-role/

October 28, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What approach to transcoding a large number of individual video files adheres to AWS architecture principles?

What approach to transcoding a large number of individual video files adheres to AWS architecture principles?A . Using many instances in parallelB . Using a single large instance during off-peak hoursC . Using dedicated hardwareD . Using a large GPU instance typeView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/encoding/

October 28, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which AWS service allows companies to connect an Amazon VPC to an on-premises data center?

Which AWS service allows companies to connect an Amazon VPC to an on-premises data center?A . AWS VPNB . Amazon RedshiftC . API GatewayD . Amazon ConnectView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: AWS Direct Connect enables you to securely connect your AWS environment to your on-premises data center or office location over...

October 27, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

When architecting cloud applications, which of the following are a key design principle?

When architecting cloud applications, which of the following are a key design principle?A . Use the largest instance possibleB . Provision capacity for peak loadC . Use the Scrum development processD . Implement elasticityView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Cloud services main proposition is to provide elasticity through horizontal scaling. It’s already...

October 27, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following is an AWS managed Domain Name System (DNS) web service?

Which of the following is an AWS managed Domain Name System (DNS) web service?A . Amazon Route 53B . Amazon NeptuneC . Amazon SageMakerD . Amazon LightsailView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/tutorials/get-a-domain/

October 27, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

What term would describe this model?

Web servers running on Amazon EC2 access a legacy application running in a corporate data center. What term would describe this model?A . Cloud-nativeB . Partner networkC . Hybrid architectureD . Infrastructure as a serviceView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/enterprise/hybrid/

October 27, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which service stores objects, provides real-time access to those objects, and offers versioning and lifecycle capabilities?

Which service stores objects, provides real-time access to those objects, and offers versioning and lifecycle capabilities?A . Amazon GlacierB . AWS Storage GatewayC . Amazon S3D . Amazon EBSView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://aws.amazon.com/s3/faqs/

October 27, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

The financial benefits of using AWS are: (Choose two.)

The financial benefits of using AWS are: (Choose two.)A . reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).B . increased capital expenditure (capex).C . reduced operational expenditure (opex).D . deferred payment plans for startups.E . business credit lines for stratups.View AnswerAnswer: AC

October 27, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +

Which task is AWS responsible for in the shared responsibility model for security and compliance?

Which task is AWS responsible for in the shared responsibility model for security and compliance?A . Granting access to individuals and servicesB . Encrypting data in transitC . Updating Amazon EC2 host firmwareD . Updating operating systemsView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: AWS Compliance enables customers to establish and operate in an...

October 27, 2020 No Comments READ MORE +