Now export data from hive table departments_hive01 in departments_hive02. While exporting, please note following. wherever there is a empty string it should be loaded as a null value in mysql.
Now export data from hive table departments_hive01 in departments_hive02. While exporting, please note following. wherever there is a empty string it should be loaded as a null value in mysql. wherever there is -999 value for int field, it should be created as null value.View AnswerAnswer: Solution: Step 1: Create...
Now import the data from following directory into departments_export table, /user/cloudera/departments new
Now import the data from following directory into departments_export table, /user/cloudera/departments newView AnswerAnswer: Solution: Step 1: Login to musql db mysql --user=retail_dba -password=cloudera show databases; use retail_db; show tables; step 2: Create a table as given in problem statement. CREATE table departments_export (departmentjd int(11), department_name varchar(45), created_date T1MESTAMP DEFAULT NOW());...
Problem Scenario 3: You have been given MySQL DB with following details.
Problem Scenario 3: You have been given MySQL DB with following details. user=retail_dba password=cloudera database=retail_db table=retail_db.categories jdbc URL = jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db Please accomplish following activities. View AnswerAnswer: Solution: Step 1: Import Single table (Subset data} Note: Here the ' is the same you find on - key sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/retail_db...
Also make sure you use orderid columns for sqoop to use for boundary conditions.
Also make sure you use orderid columns for sqoop to use for boundary conditions.View AnswerAnswer: Solutions: Step 1: Clean the hdfs file system, if they exists clean out. hadoop fs -rm -R departments hadoop fs -rm -R categories hadoop fs -rm -R products hadoop fs -rm -R orders hadoop fs...
Also make sure you use orderid columns for sqoop to use for boundary conditions.
Also make sure you use orderid columns for sqoop to use for boundary conditions.View AnswerAnswer: Solutions: Step 1: Clean the hdfs file system, if they exists clean out. hadoop fs -rm -R departments hadoop fs -rm -R categories hadoop fs -rm -R products hadoop fs -rm -R orders hadoop fs...
Now import the data from following directory into departments_export table, /user/cloudera/departments new
Now import the data from following directory into departments_export table, /user/cloudera/departments newView AnswerAnswer: Solution: Step 1: Login to musql db mysql --user=retail_dba -password=cloudera show databases; use retail_db; show tables; step 2: Create a table as given in problem statement. CREATE table departments_export (departmentjd int(11), department_name varchar(45), created_date T1MESTAMP DEFAULT NOW());...
Also make sure you use orderid columns for sqoop to use for boundary conditions.
Also make sure you use orderid columns for sqoop to use for boundary conditions.View AnswerAnswer: Solutions: Step 1: Clean the hdfs file system, if they exists clean out. hadoop fs -rm -R departments hadoop fs -rm -R categories hadoop fs -rm -R products hadoop fs -rm -R orders hadoop fs...
Also make sure you have imported only two columns from table, which are department_id, department_name
Also make sure you have imported only two columns from table, which are department_id, department_nameView AnswerAnswer: Solutions: Step 1: Clean the hdfs tile system, if they exists clean out. hadoop fs -rm -R departments hadoop fs -rm -R categories hadoop fs -rm -R products hadoop fs -rm -R orders hadoop...
Also make sure your results fields are terminated by '|' and lines terminated by 'n
Also make sure your results fields are terminated by '|' and lines terminated by 'nView AnswerAnswer: Solutions: Step 1: Clean the hdfs file system, if they exists clean out. hadoop fs -rm -R departments hadoop fs -rm -R categories hadoop fs -rm -R products hadoop fs -rm -R orders hadoop...
Now import data from mysql table departments_hive01 to this hive table. Please make sure that data should be visible using below hive command. Also, while importing if null value found for department_name column replace it with "" (empty string) and for id column with -999 select * from departments_hive;
Now import data from mysql table departments_hive01 to this hive table. Please make sure that data should be visible using below hive command. Also, while importing if null value found for department_name column replace it with "" (empty string) and for id column with -999 select * from departments_hive;View AnswerAnswer:...