What are some of the considerations to document as part of the business process?

It is best practice to define the business requirements and the process(es) an application will manage as part of the application development plan. What are some of the considerations to document as part of the business process?A . Business problem, data input/output, users/stakeholders, and process stepsB . Business problem, data...

January 18, 2024 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the ways to designate data tables when Guided Application Creator (GAC)? Choose 3 answers

What are the ways to designate data tables when Guided Application Creator (GAC)? Choose 3 answersA . Upload an existing PDF B. Create a new table on the platform C. Use an existing table on the platform D. Upload an existing spreadsheet E. Upload an existing word processing document. F....

March 8, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Client-side scripts manage what?

Client-side scripts manage what?A . Forms and Forms Fields B. Playbook access C. Database and backend D. User accessView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/tokyo-application-development/page/script/server-scripting/concept/c_ServerScripting.html

March 8, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

When designing and creating a form, what do you create to organize fields on a form?

When designing and creating a form, what do you create to organize fields on a form?A . Related lists B. Tabs C. Sections D. ButtonsView AnswerAnswer: C

March 7, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which one of the following is NOT a debugging strategy for client-side scripts?

Which one of the following is NOT a debugging strategy for client-side scripts?A . g_form.addInfoMessage() B. Field Watcher C. jslog() D. gs.log()View AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: https://developer.servicenow.com/dev.do#!/learn/learning-plans/rome/new_to_servicenow/app_store_learnv2_scripting_rome_debugging_client_scripts

March 7, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

What are the benefits of storing the majority of an Application’s server-side script logic in a Script Include?

What are the benefits of storing the majority of an Application’s server-side script logic in a Script Include? a) This makes execution faster. b) Only run when called from a script. c) The script logic can be hidden when the Application is installed from the ServiceNow Store. d) For some...

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Which one of the following is NOT a method used for logging messages in a server-side script for a privately- scoped application?

Which one of the following is NOT a method used for logging messages in a server-side script for a privately- scoped application?A . gs.log() B. gs.error() C. gs.warn() D. gs.debug()View AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: gs.print() and gs.log() are older and not available in scoped applications, whereas gs.debug(), gs.info(), gs.warn(), gs.error() work...

March 6, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

Access Control debug information identification whether each element of an Access Control granted of denied access. The elements of an Access Control evaluated?

Access Control debug information identification whether each element of an Access Control granted of denied access. The elements of an Access Control evaluated?A . Conditions, Script, Roles B. Script, Conditions, Roles C. Conditions, Roles, Script D. Roles, Conditions, ScriptView AnswerAnswer: C

March 5, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

In which order are the elements of an Access Control evaluated?

Access Control debug information identifies whether each element of an Access Control granted or denied access. The elements appear in the debug information in the order of evaluation. In which order are the elements of an Access Control evaluated?A . Conditions, Roles, Script B. Conditions, Script, Roles C. Roles, Conditions,...

March 5, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +

A scoped application containing Flow Designer content dedicated to a particular application is called a(n):

A scoped application containing Flow Designer content dedicated to a particular application is called a(n):A . Spoke B. Bundle C. Action D. FlowView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/paris-servicenow-platform/page/administer/flow-designer/concept/spokes.html A spoke is a scoped application containing Flow Designer content dedicated to a particular application or record type. Flow Designer provides a set...

March 5, 2023 No Comments READ MORE +