How does the system choose the production version?
During production order creation, several valid production versions are found . How does the system choose the production version?A . Planned order or material number B. Valid period or sale order C. Alphanumeric or quota arrangement D. Lot size or material costView AnswerAnswer: C
When does consuption of planned independent requirements take places?
You are working with planning strategy 40 (Planning-with-final assembly) When does consuption of planned independent requirements take places?A . When you deliver a sales order B. When the MRP result are saved C. When you create a sales order D. When you create a planned orderView AnswerAnswer: C
Where do you maintain the work center that represents the production line for repetitive manufacturing?
Where do you maintain the work center that represents the production line for repetitive manufacturing?A . Production version B. Routing C. Repetitive manufacturing profile D. Production cost collectorView AnswerAnswer: A,B
How does the insertion take place?
You want to insert an operatio at a certain time on work center. The planning direction is forward. The disired dispatching time concides with an operation that has previously been dispatched . How does the insertion take place?A . The previously dispatched operation stays as is; the new operation is...
For what production type are production orders used?
For what production type are production orders used?A . Process manufacturing processes B. Replenishment controlled by control cycles C. Discrete manufacturing processes D. Period and quantity-oriented productionView AnswerAnswer: C
Which settings have to be made for this?
You want to use capacity availability checks for production orders . Which settings have to be made for this?A . A checking rule must be assigned in the checking control B. The PRT Availability Check must be set in the checking control. C. An overall profile must be assigned in...
What can you define to ensure that the production flow happens only in physically connected tanks?
Your project used process orders for the production of liquid chemicals. What can you define to ensure that the production flow happens only in physically connected tanks?A . Operation network B. Work center hierarchy C. Setup matrix D. Resource networkView AnswerAnswer: B
For a production version to be valid and consistent what requirements must be fulfilled?
For a production version to be valid and consistent what requirements must be fulfilled?A . The assigned routing and bill of materials (BOM) must be valid in the entire validity period. B. The assigned routing must NOT have alternative sequences. C. The deletion flag must NOT be set for the...
Which SAP application can be used for forcasting in Supply Chain Planning?
Which SAP application can be used for forcasting in Supply Chain Planning?A . Material Requirements Planning (MRP) B. Supply Chain Management(SCM) C. Integrated Business Planning (IBP) D. Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)View AnswerAnswer: B,C
Which item statuses can you select inside a material BOM?
Which item statuses can you select inside a material BOM?A . Service B. Sales C. Quality management D. EngineeringView AnswerAnswer: B,D